Enemies within Alaska’s churches must be called to account
Our Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy “KINDom” come, thy will be done… Alright I’ll stop butchering the Lord’s Prayer. It was as painful to write as it might have been for you to read but I’m trying to make a point.
OPINION: Alaska primary shows conservatives have fight on their hands
If Alaska’s ranked-choice primary is any indication, there will be a dog fight to determine whether Kelly Tshibaka can oust U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski this November. The two are running neck-and-neck with Murkowski enjoying a slight lead. Likewise, the race
Cumbersome laws, high min-wage stifle new business in Alaska
By Aubrey Wursten – Alaska Policy Forum Because startup companies play a major role in driving the economy, discouragement of new business creation has a ripple effect on the rest of Alaska’s market. Startups create most net new jobs and encourage
OPINION: Communism & Global Conspiracies continue to plague us
For those who do not believe this by now, they never will. Maybe they like the globalist agenda. Maybe they are emotionally invested in it. Some feel intellectually superior by putting down the idea with snorting contempt. Others are overwhelmed by the
OPINION: Why I am supporting Convention Yes
Since launching the Alaska Watchman almost 3 years ago, I have watched often in astonishment at how corrupt the politics have become in this state. As Senator Shower highlighted while speaking to the School of Government crowd a few weeks ago, our system is
OPINION: Citizens mobilize to defend Anchorage Mayor
The hard leftist super majority in control of the Anchorage Assembly has another fight on its hands. This time, it’s rank-and-file citizens of Anchorage mobilizing to defend their duly elected conservative champion – Mayor Dave
OPINION: Murkowski’s religious & political infidelity
While U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski asserts to be both Catholic and Republican, her statements and public actions objectively undermine these claims. The Catholic Church has consistently taught that marriage – the bedrock of human society – is the lifelong
Catholic deacon: In backing abortion, Sen. Murkowski opposes Christ & his Church
Jesus taught in truth and lived out of love – period – because he is love. It is out of love and concern for the soul of U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, and those of the same mindset, that I write this column. Jesus was the most radical defender of
OPINION: Rep. McCabe says deceptive ‘tactics’ undermine fellow conservatives
Transparency in government is one of the most important values a legislator can have. And educating constituents and Alaskans on “how the sausage is made” would seem to be very important to that transparency. During the initial budget debates on HB281,
Sen. Shower: Why Alaskans should want a Citizen Legislature
I’m often asked how difficult it is working multiple jobs as a citizen legislator. No surprise, it’s challenging. Regardless of what some believe, for many legislators, serving as an elected official comes at significant personal cost. Lost