PFD expert: Once again, legislators give nothing but ‘crumbs’ to Alaskans
For yet another session, the State Legislature has failed to write a fiscal plan for Alaska. Time and time again, the House and the Senate disagree and neither has the numbers to force the issue. What’s the cost? To Alaskans living through the worst
OPINION: House bill could be weaponized against mentally healthy Alaskans
The Alaska State House just voted to pass HB 172, a bill that could act as a catalyst for future civil unrest in Alaska. It’s now in its final stages in the Alaska Senate as SB 124 (Mental Health Facilities & Meds). These bills include amendments that
Alaskan Independence Party wants to repatriate entire Permanent Fund in silver
Voltaire famously said, “Fiat currency always eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero.” Last month, the Alaskan Independence Party voted in favor of a resolution calling for the full repatriation of the Permanent Fund, and into physical
Anchorage must denounce Assembly’s scheme to oust Mayor Bronson
The hard-left majority which firmly controls the Anchorage Assembly is frustrated that voters chose to elect a strong conservative mayor last spring. Many Assembly members had actively campaigned for their fellow leftist Assemblyman Forrest Dunbar in his bid
Burial cloth of Christ? Shroud expert to discuss latest findings on Kenai radio show
The last 200 years has seen the Age of Faith, whose erosion began with the Renaissance, devolve into the Age of Science, to the point where science has no longer become merely science, but a replacement religion. Currently, it is quite a demanding religion as
Ignorance and lack of willpower allow abortion to continue in Alaska
The recent leak from the U.S. Supreme Court has left everyone in the type of confused limbo that creates a festering boil in our already cockamamie cultural morass. Let’s go into two directions, first with the leak that broke all protocols, decorum,
How to vote? AK Family Council congressional candidate survey comes out May 3
Today is the deadline for U.S. House candidates in Alaska looking to replace the late Don Young to get their responses in to our Values Voter Guide – our survey on key questions of life, liberty and essential freedoms like parental rights and
OPINION: Alaska GOP wages war on free speech within the party
Last weekend the Alaska Republican Party met in Fairbanks for their bi-annual convention to discuss the party platform, consider endorsements and pass resolutions. One of the resolutions put forward by Big Lake Representative Kevin McCabe roundly
OPINION: Alaska’s GOP convention undermines strong conservatives
There have been some interesting developments in the broken Alaskan House minority caucus. This is supposed to be the caucus of the conservatives, but there are only a few holding the line. These developments have culminated in an Alaska Republican party
Alaska Watchman crosses the line with Facebook … again
As the Alaska Watchman expands our coverage and influence, we’ve come under the gaze of the nameless, faceless gaze of the ever-watchful, bureaucratic social media behemoths. Last week, the impersonal matrix that comprises Facebook’s Community Standards