It’s past time for Alaskans to fight the sexual manipulation of young minds
Thinking back during childhood, what memories come to mind? Perhaps flashes of bike riding, competing in a favorite sport or playing tag with friends. Growing up in rural Alaska, some of my first memories are of four-wheeler riding with my older brother
Effective communication in America requires a commitment to understanding other cultures
Cross-cultural communication requires a knowledge of how culturally different people groups communicate with each other. The study of other languages helps us understand what people and societies have in common, and it has profound implications in developing
Drag queen story hour was an assault on our Alaska Native heritage (Open letter to AK Native Heritage Center)
Cama’i – I am writing in regard to the recent Drag Queen Story Hour held at the Alaska Native Heritage Center (ANHC) on June 26. ANHC’s description of this inaugural event states: “Since time-immemorial our Indigenous cultures holistically valued
Major issues to tackle at an Alaska Constitutional Convention
In 2022, Alaskans will vote on whether to hold a statewide constitutional convention. The following is a list of issues we should consider addressing. A number of these concerns are shared by many conservatives, not just Alaskans. They address not only our
Our education crisis is more social than academic
Education and knowledge translate into power. Education does not parallel economics or politics, but is the soul of society, and more fundamental than these others. Education determines people’s moral values, appearance, eating habits, the role of citizens;
EXPOSED: Teacher union’s vote reveals radical support of divisive, racist ideology
Many parents across Alaska and the nation are expressing serious concern and even outrage over the teaching of critical race theory (CRT) in public school classrooms, only to be met with denials from school officials that it is even being taught at all. But
An Alaska Constitutional Convention: How to choose delegates? (part 3)
The U.S. Constitution’s famous preamble begins with “We the People of the United States.” That opening line was controversial then and remains so today. It presumed a homogenous, uniform people belonging to a single nation. It obscured the role of the
The danger & opportunity of an Alaska Constitutional Convention (part 2)
When the U.S. Constitution of 1787 was put together, many of its framers thought that it would be good for, at best, 40 years. Perhaps they were right, for it has been amended 27 times, with the 14th amendment sometimes called “The New Constitution” by
In 2022 Alaska will vote on whether to hold a Constitutional Convention – here’s what’s involved (Part 1)
Alaska’s Constitution has a built-in timetable that asks voters, every 10 years, whether there ought to be a constitutional convention, or “con-con,” to re-write or modify how our state government operates. The exact wording is found in Article XIII,
A historic look at the benefits and dangers of nationalism in Alaska, the U.S. and the world
History teaches that nations cane be like people. While having many things in common, each is unique. As with people, a nation’s behavior is often understood in terms of the psychological attitudes and style that characterize its personality. Failure to