Pruitt’s lawsuit highlights the peril of a runaway Alaska Supreme Court
Rep. Lance Pruitt, who lost his State House seat by a mere 11 votes to challenger Liz Snyder, is seeking relief from the very court system that suspended an election law it deemed overly burdensome just three weeks before the general election. On Dec. 9,
2020 exposed a festering disease in America
This past winter the world began to change before our very eyes as the specter of an unknown global pandemic struck fear into the hearts of men. Lockdowns and closures – unthinkable in modern America – reshaped our lives overnight. Whole sectors of
Can Biden’s Defense Secretary pick stop China from becoming the premier global superpower?
Potential President-elect Biden has announced General Lloyd Austin as his choice for Secretary of Defense. I don’t know much about General Austin, never met him during my time in service. However, all indications are he was a rock solid military leader who
U.S. Supreme Court ruling will protect Alaska churches from unconstitutional mandates
A U.S. Supreme Court decision issued Nov. 25, heralds the dawn of a new era – the return of the rule of law. Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn vs. Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York is a case that involves what is often described as the first liberty
‘Why are masks so political? What’s the big deal?’
A good friend recently asked, “Why are masks so political? What’s so controversial about wearing a little face covering?” The answer to the first question is straight forward. Masks are political because local and state governments have passed laws
With Alaska’s chief justice to retire in 2021, judge selection process must be fixed
Chief Justice Joel Bolger will retire from Alaska’s Supreme Court on June 30 next year, creating yet another vacancy on Alaska’s highest court, which only has five members. On Nov. 30 Bolger announced his plan to step down five years before reaching the
Moving Gov. Dunleavy off the fence
Gov. Mike Dunleavy has squandered his political capital and mandate through fits and starts. To be sure, he has faced unprecedented problems that were not his making, but his inconsistency has resulted in his core constituents shaking their heads and
Retired Lieutenant General to Alaska: Biden is coming for our guns
With every passing day it appears more likely Joe Biden will become our next president. From the illegal vote counting, vote harvesting, forged ballots and political court rulings against President Trump, it seems democracy has been hijacked by the Left. This
Alaska can solve budget crisis by ending unconstitutional appropriations
“Defunding power cost equalization would gut a lifeline for rural Alaska” was published by ADN on Nov. 10. Meera Kohler expertly laid out the history and purpose of the Power Cost Equalization Program. The op-ed piece was beautifully written and very
Anchorage should consider advice of 50,000 health professionals before imposing a lockdown
On Dec. 1, many Anchorage businesses will either be forcibly closed or severely limited for the duration of 2020. This decision rests squarely with the city’s unelected Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson and the Anchorage Assembly. Before heading down this