
‘It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!’

Today, Christians around the world observe “Good Friday,” the day Jesus died by crucifixion after being flogged, beaten, mocked and betrayed. One would be forgiven for wondering just what the faithful see as so “good” about this Friday before Easter.

What are we to do with Anchorage as it is?

If election day totals hold, the Anchorage Assembly will remain firmly controlled by the radical leftists who imposed Covid mandates, shut down churches, limited religious liberties and personal freedoms, pushed LGBTQ politics and bungled homelessness.

Glory and suffering amid the 12 days of Christmas

During the Christmas Season, for a brief time, the squabbling of interdenominational Christian differences ceases. Despite the tiresome repetition of the famous song, and its purported symbolism, the Christmas season extends well beyond Dec. 25, and for good