Gallup Poll: Less Americans say they believe in God
While the vast majority of American adults still profess a belief in God, their ranks are shrinking, according to a new study published by Gallup. According to a May survey, 81% of U.S. adults now believe in God, which is six percentage points lower than 2017
Anchorage apologetics group to host ‘Candid Conversations on Gender & Sexuality’
Amid mass confusion among young people surrounding gender identity and human sexuality, an Anchorage-based apologetics group is planning to tackle some of the most difficult questions of our age. Wisdom Apologetics will address these issues with an upcoming
Alaska AG recused from reviewing use of state funds for private education
As the Alaska Department of Law considers the legality of using state funds to pay for private education costs, Attorney General Treg Taylor has recused himself from reviewing all matters involving the use of homeschool allotments for this purpose. Taylor’s
How the Left hijacks language and recycles old heresies
Satan and his obedient minions are liars, thieves but, while far more intelligent than humanity, not very original thinkers. G.K. Chesterton said, “Hypocrisy is the tribute that evil pays to good.” Therefore, they must make their evil appear as something
Faith group needs help launching Anchorage program to house homeless veterans and seniors
The faith-based organization, Revive Alaska Community Services (RACS), is on the verge of completing a special program aimed at getting seniors and veterans off the streets and into permanent housing. The Comfort Homes project includes 10 prefabricated
Burial cloth of Christ? Shroud expert to discuss latest findings on Kenai radio show
The last 200 years has seen the Age of Faith, whose erosion began with the Renaissance, devolve into the Age of Science, to the point where science has no longer become merely science, but a replacement religion. Currently, it is quite a demanding religion as
Eagle River Catholic church vandalized with spray painted phallic symbols
At about midnight on May 4 the outside of St. Andrew Catholic Church in Eagle River was vandalized with more than a dozen spray painted phallic images on the church walls, windows and walkways. Nails were also left scattered across sections of the church
Conservatives vying to fill Rep. Young’s seat answer questions on hot-button social issues
The four leading conservative candidates who are running to fill out the remaining months of the late Rep. Don Young’s term have answered a survey questionnaire that deals with some of the most contentious social issues facing the nation. Conducted by
Vital, concrete steps Alaskans must take to restore the culture
On April 6 Alaska Watchman editor Joel Davidson asked as a title of his article “What are we to do with Anchorage as it is?” Well, I have an answer for Joel, Anchorage and frankly for all of Alaska. I am Ted Smith, Director of the Alaska Colson Fellows
‘It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!’
Today, Christians around the world observe “Good Friday,” the day Jesus died by crucifixion after being flogged, beaten, mocked and betrayed. One would be forgiven for wondering just what the faithful see as so “good” about this Friday before Easter.