As China grows ever more powerful, Alaska must act shrewdly
In the 1930’s the United States watched as Adolf Hitler built a powerful military force in open defiance to the Treaty of Versailles, which had limited the size and type of the German military in the wake of World War I. Hitler started the great cleansing.

Trump is fighting a bloodless coup d’état … and it’s far from over
In this attempt of a stolen presidential election, Americans are facing something much worse than corruption, they are facing a coup d’état, a French term for an overthrow of the properly constituted governmental authority. [Pronounced as in

Deadline is today (4:30 p.m.) to file for Juneau Assembly & School Board seats
This fall, voters will choose three members for the Juneau Assembly and two for the School Board. Those interested in running have until 4:30 p.m. today (July 27) to file for office. The terms are for three years. As of July 27, at 10 a.m., only three

Deadline nears to request absentee ballot for Alaska primary election
Alaskans who wish to cast an absentee ballot in the Aug. 18 primary election have until Aug. 8 to make the request. Any registered voter may ask for an absentee ballot for any reason. When making the request, it is important to select “All in Calendar

Juneau campus named ‘most LGBTQ-friendly college’ in Alaska
The University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) was named the top LGBTQ-friendly college for Alaska by the Campus Pride Index. In partnership with Campus Pride, BestColleges.com released its rankings earlier this year to help students of various sexual and gender

How Alaskans can uphold core values while sipping lattes and bundling up
As winter settles in, Alaskans have choices to make when it comes to buying steamed lattes and winter gear. 2ndvote.com highlights businesses that uphold traditional beliefs about marriage, the sanctity of life and other issues of concern to shoppers who want

Rejecting state funds allows Anchorage homeless shelter to boldly share the Gospel
It was September, dark enough already for the northern lights to illuminate the tent where Daniel Bates was living in the margins of Fairbanks. The weather was bleak, his life was bleak, and no amount of alcohol was numbing the bitterness of either.

OPINION: Mainstream media and RINOs partner with Dems to Alaska’s detriment
A few weeks ago, Fairbanks Daily News Miner Editor Gary Black wrote an opinion piece praising U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and lauding a group of state Republican legislators for following in her footsteps. In particular, Black appreciated that these lawmakers

TODAY: Tell Alaska Sen. Murkowski to protect girls sports from male athletes
Contact Senator Lisa Murkowski and encourage her to vote YES on Senate Bill 9 to protect girls from having to compete against boys in

OPINION: What America can learn from the decline of world empires
Elected government officials, policy makers, educators and the society at large must clearly understand that ignorance, irresponsible government mandates and disregard of historic patterns may create irreversible socio–economic