Video shows how leftist assist. principal covertly manipulates Conn. public school
Editor’s note: While this story does not directly deal with Alaska’s public schools, it points to a systemic problem in government run schools, especially with how leftist educational bureaucrats treat conservative parents. Click here to read our

How to combat Alaska’s soaring health care spending
By Aubrey Wursten – Alaska Policy Forum In a conclusion that has become predictable, a recent study by peer-reviewed journal Health Affairs found that when compared to all states, Alaska once again had the highest health spending per capita.

Transgender protocol blindsides Mat-Su School Board & they plan to address it
The Mat-Su School Board was caught off guard when a little-known administrative protocol on transgender students came to light last week. Written in 2015, but essentially buried deep in the school district’s website and completely unknown to several

Alaska candidate: What’s the point of the new primary system? We all advanced anyway.
I am a candidate for Alaska State House District 25. There were two of us in the recent “primary.” The incumbent won a clear majority, and I assumed I was out of the race, but because the new ranked choice voting (RCV) system automatically advances the

‘Fixed’ elections – in Alaska and beyond
“Fixing” elections in the classic sense, is illegal. Ballot-box stuffing and voting machine rigging, however, are as American as apple pie – practiced in urban and rural communities alike. Forget Chicago. Right after World War II, there was such a

Anchorage educators defend reading book about cross-sex drugs, trans-surgery to 4th graders
Editor’s note: The following article details the ongoing two-year bureaucratic saga that an Anchorage family has faced in unsuccessfully imploring the Anchorage School District to stop reading a book about transgenderism to elementary age students. It’s

Tshibaka blasts retiring Fauci as ‘heavy-handed’ – notes Murkowski backed him
President Biden’s chief medical advisor – Dr. Anthony Fauci – announced on Aug. 22 that he will be stepping down in December from all his positions in the federal government. Over the past half century, he has worked as director of the National

Leftist dark money bankrolls opposition to Alaska Constitutional Convention
Despite campaign propaganda warning Alaskans that a constitutional convention would expose Alaska to outside influence by deep-pocketed special interest groups, one of the nation’s largest dark-money behemoths is bankrolling the primary organization

OPINION: Priest says Catholics & pro-life Alaskans have a ‘duty’ to back Tshibaka for U.S. Senate
Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski – who all too often votes on the side of the abortion industry – appears to be in a neck-and-neck race with challenger Kelly Tshibaka, a pro-life Republican, in the primary race conducted Tuesday using the

Enemies within Alaska’s churches must be called to account
Our Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy “KINDom” come, thy will be done… Alright I’ll stop butchering the Lord’s Prayer. It was as painful to write as it might have been for you to read but I’m trying to make a point.