Grassroots push to hand count all Mat-Su Borough elections gains traction
Brian Endle, who is running for Mat-Su Borough Assembly, is on a mission to ensure that all votes in Mat-Su Borough elections are hand counted. He’s part of an coalition of concerned citizens who want to do away with Dominion voting machines for all borough

OPINION: Communism & Global Conspiracies continue to plague us
For those who do not believe this by now, they never will. Maybe they like the globalist agenda. Maybe they are emotionally invested in it. Some feel intellectually superior by putting down the idea with snorting contempt. Others are overwhelmed by the

OPINION: Why I am supporting Convention Yes
Since launching the Alaska Watchman almost 3 years ago, I have watched often in astonishment at how corrupt the politics have become in this state. As Senator Shower highlighted while speaking to the School of Government crowd a few weeks ago, our system is

IRS hiring gun-toting agents to serve ‘taxpaying public’
With the Democratic controlled Congress set to approve $80 billion dollars for the IRS, the agency is already attempting to boost its ranks with special gun-toting agents who are willing and able to make arrests, execute search warrants and perform “other

Struggling AK schools need flexible choices, better teachers, transparency
By Aubrey Wursten – Alaska Policy Forum Statistics consistently illustrate the benefits of increased parental involvement in their children’s education, and Alaska Policy Forum supports measures to improve this engagement. The Center

Video exposes Murkowski camp’s support of deceptive ranked-choice vote scheme
In a newly released video by Project Veritas, paid staffers with U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s reelection campaign reveal that the leftist Republican lawmaker was quietly supporting passage of ranked choice voting in Alaska back in 2020. Alaskans narrowly

COVID Cash: Anchorage Assembly doles out $51 million for pet projects
The Anchorage Assembly voted 10-2 on Aug. 9 to award another $51 million in federal Covid funds to local businesses and non-profits. The unprecedented monetary giveaway comes thanks to the Biden Administration’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, which was

Sen. Sullivan says FBI raid on Trump home smacks of ‘weaponized’ justice system
After FBI agents raided former President Donald Trump’s Florida Mar-a-Lago home, Republican lawmakers, including U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan have spoken out against the siege, drawing into question the FBI’s integrity. Trump took to social media on Aug. 8,

Young man sentenced to 99 years for 2016 murder of Colony High classmate
Palmer resident Erick Almandinger was sentenced on Aug. 8 to serve 99 years in prison for the 2016 kidnapping and murder of his Colony High School classmate, 16-year-old David Grunwald. During sentencing, Palmer Superior Court Judge Gregory Heath said

Vandal attacks Soldotna’s conservative, family-owned Ammo-Can Coffee
Ammo-Can Coffee, a wildly popular cultural and social club/coffee shop for conservative-minded, faith-filled Alaskan patriots on the Kenai Peninsula, was vandalized around 1 a.m. on Aug. 8. Owner Jason Floyd posted a notice on social media, saying his family