Search Results for: Dl with

Why we fight against the odds

Someone mentioned the other day that conservative, patriotic and religious-minded Alaskans are losing the cultural battle. Education is in ruins, families are fractured, churches compromise with contemporary ideology, and our political and spiritual

Alaska doctors urge colleagues to back early COVID treatments

Alaska doctors who supported an October conference on alternative treatment options to fight COVID recently wrote a letter to their colleagues who opposed the conference and its message. More than 1,200 Alaskans, including health care providers, attended the

12.20 > Healthcare costs are exploding

In a recent commentary, I pointed out the shift in focus among hospitals from refuges for the sick and injured into profit centered extraction chambers that almost omit a sucking sound as you walk through the sliding doors… but it’s probably just the

Anchorage mayor launches new domestic violence unit

Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson is launching a special police unit to fight domestic violence. Announced on Dec. 16, the new unit will be led by Monica Elkinton who will serve as Deputy Municipal Prosecutor. The elite unit is comprised of five longtime
Anchorage vote pic

Anchorage set to empower clerk to restrict election observers

Municipal Clerk Barbara Jones wants to change the way the city conducts its elections. She was angered during the mayoral race this past spring, claiming in a report to the Anchorage Assembly that there were too many election observers who slowed down the