JBER mandates masks off base, bans entrance to restaurants, other venues without mandates
A Sept. 28 memo from Air Force Col. Kirsten Aguilar, JBER commander, mandates that all Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson personnel wear masks indoors, on and off base, and outside when unable to maintain six feet social distancing. The order applies to

Empowering voters: Who are the principled Mat-Su conservatives running for political office?
In an effort to clearly identify the strongest conservative candidates for local office in the Mat-Su, the Alaska Watchman sent a survey to everyone running for seats in Palmer, Wasilla and the Mat-Su Borough. Our survey focused on some of the most important

Anchorage Assemblywoman Zaletel wanted neighbors to take the unmasked to court
A high-stakes battle over whether to re-impose a citywide mask mandate on Anchorage residents briefly included a scheme to pit neighbors against each other in an effort to enforce the controversial plan. Assembly members Pete Peterson and Meg Zaletel (who is

9.24 > Grave Voter Concerns
It’s easy to think that with the 2020 Federal Election almost a year behind us in our collective rearview mirror, that everyone must have come around to agreement that there was no ‘there there’ in the recent election. After all, the news

9.23 > Ignoring SCOTUS
If a football field were 80 yards long instead of 100, how many more touchdown passes would Tom Brady have thrown? If batters in baseball had four strikes instead of three, how many more homeruns might Barry Bonds have hit? Or, for you cynics out there: how

Conservative Juneau candidates share opinions on hot-button issues
The Alaska Watchman sent some hard-hitting questions to all candidates running for local office in Juneau. Our intent is to give voters a clear sense of who the socially and fiscally conservative candidates are, especially in regard to some of the most

Open letter to 4 Palmer City Council members: My opposition is not personal, but based on policy
Editor’s note: At the Aug. 24 Palmer City Council meeting, the writer of this letter, Mike Coons, raised concerns that Council Members Sebrena Combs, Julie Berberich, Brian Daniels and Jill Valerius may have violated the Alaska Open Meetings Act by

ELECTION INTEGRITY: Despite declining population Alaska has skyrocketing voter rolls
Alaska’s election system has been plagued by bloated voter rolls for years. The mounting problem is rife for election fraud, especially with regards to absentee voting. The difficulties are perhaps most clearly illustrated when contrasting Alaska’s

Dunleavy rejects media calls to impose mask and vaccine mandates, urges cooperation
Gov. Mike Dunleavy held a Sept. 22 press conference in which he fielded a barrage of questions from reporters asking why he won’t implement masking and vaccine mandates as well as other restrictions on society to deal with COVID. The governor admitted that

Kenai candidates open up on hot-button issues as Oct. 5 election nears
Alaska Watchman sent a list of hard-hitting questions to all candidates running for local office in Kenai, including borough assembly, school board and city council. Our intent is to give voters a clear sense of who the socially and fiscally conservative