Search Results for: He state.

With rising Russia tensions, we must draw from the past

Who was responsible for post-war tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.? Were they primarily a result of the Soviets’ mistrust of a perceived intent on the part of the Allies to establish a “New World Order” and act as policeman of the world? The

Debate Scheduled on Constitutional Convention

Former Alaska Senate Majority Leader and multi-term State Senator John Coghill is set to debate constitutional scholar and radio talk-show host and Chair of the Alaska Independence Party Bob Bird on the whether Alaskans should vote in favor of a

Is Soviet-style censorship rearing its head in America?

Many of my friends during my upbringing in the former Soviet Union were students from various educational institutes, striving for knowledge, wisdom, academic curiosity and freedom of intellectual expression. We constantly challenged each other during our