Food security task force aims to help Alaska handle supply chain disruptions
Gov. Mike Dunleavy ordered the creation of a food security task force to help reinforce Alaska’s local food sources and positioning the state to handle future supply chain disruptions. The Feb. 9 order establishing the new task force states that Alaska

Anchorage Mayor: We must save the Port of Alaska to preserve our way of life
When I came into office, resolving the homelessness crisis in Anchorage was my number one priority. However, as my team and I assessed the dire situation at the Port of Alaska (PoA), it became quite clear that rebuilding and modernizing the Port had to become

With rising Russia tensions, we must draw from the past
Who was responsible for post-war tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.? Were they primarily a result of the Soviets’ mistrust of a perceived intent on the part of the Allies to establish a “New World Order” and act as policeman of the world? The

Debate Scheduled on Constitutional Convention
Former Alaska Senate Majority Leader and multi-term State Senator John Coghill is set to debate constitutional scholar and radio talk-show host and Chair of the Alaska Independence Party Bob Bird on the whether Alaskans should vote in favor of a

Fate of Alaska’s voting system now lies in the hands of five justices
Does ranked-choice voting prevent Alaskan political parties from exercising their freedom of association? Or is it merely a novel, if unwieldy, method of selecting candidates to political office? These were the arguments presented to the Alaska Supreme Court

Dunleavy hails Head Start ruling as progress in fight against vax mandates
Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy praised a federal court ruling that blocked yet another Covid mandate from President Joe Biden. This time, a U.S. District Court put a temporary halt to the president’s attempt to require all Head Start teachers, workers and

Anchorage children’s concert relocates after bishop bars access to cathedral
Hundreds of children from Holy Rosary Academy sang Advent songs before a packed audience at the Loussac Library in Anchorage on Dec. 10. The school traditionally performs its annual Lessons & Carols Advent concert at Our Lady of Guadalupe Cathedral, but

AK gubernatorial candidate blasts Homer Nutcracker organizers for segregating the unvaxxed
The 33rd annual Homer Nutcracker Ballet spread some holiday division last week when non-vaxxed theater goers were cordoned off from the vaxxed upon entering the Homer High School theater, Dec. 3-5. Alaska gubernatorial candidate Rep. Christopher Kurka caught

Dr. Zink to lead national group that pushes vax mandates, state surveillance of citizens
In 2019, Gov. Mike Dunleavy appointed Dr. Anne Zink to serve as Alaska’s chief medical officer, advising him on how to create and implement medical policy across the state. This coming March, she is about to vastly expand her influence when she takes over

Is Soviet-style censorship rearing its head in America?
Many of my friends during my upbringing in the former Soviet Union were students from various educational institutes, striving for knowledge, wisdom, academic curiosity and freedom of intellectual expression. We constantly challenged each other during our