Alaska-Siberia Air Route heroes played a key role in World War II
“The structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man, or one party, or one nation … it must be a peace which rests on the cooperative effort of the whole world.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt May 8, the World War II Victory Day in Europe, is a

FBI raid on Homer couple inspires deafening silence from Alaska’s elected leaders
The news of the renegade FBI raid at the Hueper household in Homer on April 28 is into the nationally oriented conservative and even the mainstream media outlets. There are some things to watch. First, the MSM will soft-soap this as much as possible with

How isolated minorities preserve religious identity amid dominant secular societies
Ethnic minorities, religious refugees and other groups segregated by a dominant society have developed and implemented strategies and tactics intended to protect their national identity, religious practices, ancient traditions and community cohesiveness. In

With guns drawn, FBI raids Homer couple’s home looking for Nancy Pelosi’s laptop
Paul and Marilyn Hueper, owners of Homer Inn & Spa, woke with a start at 9 a.m. April 28 when a dozen armed FBI agents kicked down their front door in an investigation associated with Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s stolen laptop, which was taken during the Jan. 6

How Russian Old Believers keep the faith in modern Alaska
Profoundly religious, the Russian people were shaken to their core by the Russian Orthodox Church liturgical reforms introduced by Patriarch Nikon (1666–1667) who, under the reign of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich Romanov (1645–1676), had dared to correct the

Alaska Senate removes Sen. Reinbold as chair of Senate Judiciary
The Alaska Senate voted April 19 to remove Sen. Lora Reinbold (R-Eagle River) from her powerful post as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The vote was 17-1 with Reinbold casting the only vote in her favor. Sen. Roger Holland (R-Anchorage) is the new

Corinthians Wiley takes a bold stand for black Alaskans
Corinthians Wiley is not for sale. The towering 37-year-old Anchorage local dismisses with casual ease the trendy narratives of victimization among his fellow black Americans, as he unpacks the trajectory of his life cast across generations of strife and

Recalling Soviet intimidation at my U.S. encounter with Vladimir Vysotsky
I first arrived in America Feb. 1, 1978. An agent of the Immigration and Naturalization Services greeted me at the John F. Kennedy Airport in New York. He gave me $8, a small booklet titled “Introduction to a New Life“, a packet titled United

How long will pro-life Alaskans endure token political gestures?
Prolife voters have remained loyal supporters of the Republican Party for decades and, apart from local and token legislation in heavily prolife states, have achieved truly little in exchange for being the largest single-issue voting bloc in American

Game on: Conservative, pro-life, pro-gun Kelly Tshibaka challenging Murkowski for U.S. Senate
Kelly Tshibaka will challenge Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s 20-year grip on her U.S. Senate seat. Tshibaka announced her candidacy March 29 with a campaign video clearly laying out her pro-life, pro-family and pro-Second Amendment views. The former commissioner for