Power to the People: Sen. Shower urges Alaskans to call a Constitutional Convention
In a July 25 talk to Mat-Su residents, State Sen. Mike Shower (R-Wasilla) said he has reconsidered his position when it comes to whether Alaskans should call a statewide constitutional convention to protect the Permanent Fund Dividend, reform elections and

Ketchikan City Council rejects call to cancel Drag Queen event for kids
In a 5-2 vote the Ketchikan City Council rejected a proposal to cancel a June 17 “Drag Queen Story Hour” geared for young children at the local public library. A motion to nix the controversial event was put forward by Councilman Riley Gass for the June

Chickaloon tribal police expansion to serve local and rural communities
Chickaloon Native Village is in the early stages of revamping and expanding its tribal police force with the long-term goal of providing a unique law enforcement arrangement to Alaska Native tribes in areas where policing is historically limited or

The next-gen socialists seek a dictatorship of the anti-proletariat
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, founders of communism or “international socialism,” made a big deal of the working class or “proletariat.” They predicted that an imminent worldwide revolution would throw off the ruling class of royalists,

Alaska VA refuses veterans an alternative to opioids, class action lawsuit looms
Alaska’s Veterans Affairs (VA) office is refusing to cover an effective, non-opioid treatment for veteran soldiers who now live in prolonged and excruciating pain. This is the experience of Alaska surgeons and medical device suppliers who have grown

Ridding Anchorage library of transgender child propaganda takes a joint effort
A concerned mom contacted the Alaska Watchman the other day to inform us that the Anchorage Loussac Library was prominently displaying a children’s picture book that promotes transgender fluidity to young kids. The book, “Jack (Not Jackie),” sat atop a

Report: Alaska is worst state at fighting child sex trafficking
When it comes to combating child sex trafficking, Alaska is worst in the nation. This was the finding of a newly released report from Shared Hope International, a national non-profit leader in working to eradicate minor sex trafficking. Last month, the group

Rep. Kurka launches campaign for governor with appeal to freedom-loving Alaskans
Earlier today, news broke that State Representative Christopher Kurka was launching a campaign to challenge Gov. Mike Dunleavy in the 2022 governor’s race. The story broke when former Tea-Party sensation Joe Miller took to Facebook to announced

Sullivan joins coalition in unveiling alternative to Biden’s Green New Deal
Sen. Dan Sullivan joined a half a dozen fellow senators on Nov. 3 to unveil the “American Energy, Jobs & Climate Plan,” an clean energy and climate strategy aimed at reducing global emissions by up to 40% by 2050 while creating thousands of jobs

Empowering voters: Who are the principled Mat-Su conservatives running for political office?
In an effort to clearly identify the strongest conservative candidates for local office in the Mat-Su, the Alaska Watchman sent a survey to everyone running for seats in Palmer, Wasilla and the Mat-Su Borough. Our survey focused on some of the most important