Search Results for: cannot fine

Mask Mandate pic

Mask mandate imposed on Juneau residents

Residents of Alaska’s capital city and surrounding borough are now required to wear face masks when gathered in indoor public settings or communal spaces outside the home. Those who resist the law are subject to a civil fine of up to $25. The Juneau
Berkowitz mug2

Mayor allowed to keep emergency powers in Anchorage

The Anchorage Assembly voted 9-2 on June 2 to extend Mayor Ethan Berkowitz’s ability to enact and enforce emergency orders as they pertain to COVID-19. With the extension, Berkowitz can continue to punish residents who violate his orders regarding the
Church and flag

On the duty to ‘legislate morality’ in Alaska

On October 1, voters in Fairbanks and North Pole spoke fairly clearly about the direction they think their communities should be headed regarding civil government and school leadership. Former Fairbanks North Star Borough Assemblyman Lance Roberts called the