Alaskan parents must recognize and exercise their parental rights in education
There is a growing movement to suppress parental concerns across our nation, especially for those who advocate for their children’s educational wellbeing. Anyone who follows the national media can see this unfolding trend. Last year, the National School

Your vaccination card is your ‘owners tag’
Editor’s note: The following is a transcript of Brett Wilcox’s Dec. 28, 2021, public comment to the Sitka Assembly. When you realize that lockdowns are an economic and mental health catastrophe, that masks only mitigate mental and physical health, that

Trump will support Dunleavy so long as governor doesn’t back Murkowski
Former President Donald Trump gave a conditional endorsement of Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s reelection bid. On Dec. 28, Trump said his support of Dunleavy would be “null and void” if the governor were to endorse Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s reelection bid. “Mike

Kelly Tshibaka: ‘2021 proved that Murkowski has abandoned Alaska’
As we enter 2022, it’s time to examine the record of Alaska’s senior senator, Lisa Murkowski, over the last year. After strongly opposing the election of President Donald Trump and helping Joe Biden take power, Murkowski immediately set about enabling

National conservative women’s group backs Tshibaka over Murkowski
A top national political organization that helps to elect conservative women across the country is supporting Kelly Tshibaka’s campaign to unseat Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Initially reported by Fox News on Dec. 22, the group called Maggie’s List gave its

Alaska doctors urge colleagues to back early COVID treatments
Alaska doctors who supported an October conference on alternative treatment options to fight COVID recently wrote a letter to their colleagues who opposed the conference and its message. More than 1,200 Alaskans, including health care providers, attended the

Anchorage children’s concert relocates after bishop bars access to cathedral
Hundreds of children from Holy Rosary Academy sang Advent songs before a packed audience at the Loussac Library in Anchorage on Dec. 10. The school traditionally performs its annual Lessons & Carols Advent concert at Our Lady of Guadalupe Cathedral, but

AK gubernatorial candidate blasts Homer Nutcracker organizers for segregating the unvaxxed
The 33rd annual Homer Nutcracker Ballet spread some holiday division last week when non-vaxxed theater goers were cordoned off from the vaxxed upon entering the Homer High School theater, Dec. 3-5. Alaska gubernatorial candidate Rep. Christopher Kurka caught

New group empowers Alaskans to exercise parental rights in public schools
November 15th was a big night for the Alaska chapter of Parent’s Rights in Education’s (PRIE). Gathered at the at Loussac Library, community members’ politicians, and parents joined PRIE’s First Annual Celebration to discuss a long overdue topic

If U.S. Supremes overturn Roe, prolife Alaskans still have a long way to go
Earlier this month, I was in Washington D.C. to pray for, rally and celebrate with thousands of other pro-lifers across America. We came because the U.S. Supreme Court took up a case from Mississippi (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health) challenging the