11.14 > Ideological Lockstep
With stunning consistency, the media across America and Alaska goose-stepped their endorsements of Joe

Rep. Lance Pruitt down by 17 votes with 114 left to count
Absentee ballots have obliterated Anchorage Rep. Lance Pruitt’s once solid lead over hard-left Democrat Liz Snyder. A Pruitt loss in District 27 would shrink the Republican majority in the State House to a razor thin 21-19 advantage. During the last

Proofs of a stolen election
So, let’s see. Have presidential elections been stolen before? The answer might surprise you: without a doubt. A friend of mine, being too generous, recently told me that stealing an election would involve such a tremendous amount of chicanery on a scale so

Trump’s battle against the ‘military industrial complex’
In his 1961 farewell address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower cautioned the nation about the rising influence of what he called, “the military industrial complex.” He knew from experience, in both the military and politics, the dangers a powerful military

Liberal social justice warriors back Suzanne LaFrance over conservative James Kaufman
Despite her folksy, down home account of growing up in the Mat-Su raising farm animals and attending church, State House candidate Suzanne LaFrance is one of the most liberal candidates running for state office this year. She’s running against conservative

LGBT activist running against young conservative for House Seat 15 in Anchorage
Liberal Democrat Lyn Franks is vying to become the first openly LGBT state legislator in Alaska. She’s running against Republican David Nelson for House Seat 15 in Anchorage. Franks is endorsed by a slew of far-left liberal groups that want to expand

Abortion giant backs Al Gross, Alyse Galvin and 25 Alaska candidates
The largest provider of abortions in Alaska has released its endorsements for the Nov. 3 election. An Oct. 19 email from Planned Parenthood’s Alaska Director Jessica Cler endorses candidates that will push abortion on demand, public funding of abortion,

Alaska’s largest annual gun show set for Oct. 24 in Palmer
Alaskans who support the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, shooting sports, hunting, gun collecting, and historical firearms are gathering in Palmer for the state’s largest annual gun show next month. The event is held by the Alaska Gun Collectors

Coming rallies & events: Open schools, support Trump, lawsuit against Anchorage Assembly
The following events/rallies are scheduled over the next few days to address school closures in Anchorage, the Anchorage Assembly’s alleged violation of the Open Meetings Act and a rally to support President Trump. ‘BIKERS FOR TRUMP’ RALLY

Voter guides identify conservatives in Fairbanks, Mat-Su, Kenai and Sitka elections
Elections that make the biggest impact on daily life are often the ones with the lowest voter turnout. Contests for school board, borough assembly and city council don’t generate the advertising budgets, radio and television ads and roadside signs of