Gross ‘will caucus with the Democrats’ if elected to U.S. Senate
According to a report from the Washington Free Beacon, U.S. Senate Candidate Al Gross has revealed to prominent Democratic donors that his status as an independent is more practical than substantial. Gross is challenging pro-life Republican U.S. Senator Dan

State Fair is cancelled but Mat-Su Fall Festival kicks off Friday
While the traditional Alaska State Fair is closed for the first time since 1942 due to COVID-19 concerns, the new Mat-Su Fall Festival is filling the void just outside of Palmer. The Aug. 28-30 event will include dozens of live music performances, gourmet

Alaska’s pro-life identity crisis can and must end – here’s how
The blueprint for healing Alaska’s pro-life divide is contained in two chapters of a brief work by the late Dr. Charles Rice, who was a pivotal national figure in the pro-life movement for decades. “No Exception: A Pro-Life Imperative” identifies the

Conservative challengers surge ahead in Alaska primary races
If the unofficial results are any indication, Alaskans appear highly motivated to reshape the State Legislature. With 99.5% of precincts reporting in the state’s primary election it looks as if the State Senate and House may have strong conservative

OPINION: Alaska Right to Life’s ‘all or nothing approach’ is ineffective
Editor’s note: In an effort to help clarify the ongoing disagreement about the direction of the pro-life movement in Alaska, we asked Jim Minnery, of Alaska Family Action, and Pat Martin, of Alaska Right to Life, to explain why their organizations are at

OPINION: Alaska Family Council fails to protect all unborn life
Editor’s note: In an effort to help clarify the ongoing disagreement about the direction of the pro-life movement in Alaska, we asked Pat Martin, of Alaska Right to Life, and Jim Minnery, of Alaska Family Action to explain why their organizations are at

New head of LGBT activist group has radical agenda for Alaska
The new executive director of Identity, an influential LGBT group in Alaska, has a radical social agenda planned for the state. “My job is to help create a world where all people are free to express and be proud of their sexual orientation and gender

Here’s who big abortion backs in Alaska’s Aug. 18 primary
Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortion in Alaska, has released its endorsements for the upcoming Aug. 18 Alaska primary. As expected, the abortion giant has backed almost exclusively Democrat candidates. Al Gross, who is running as an

Languages reflect our nature as being male and female
The destruction of the arts and beauty seen in the degradation of post-modern culture is also manifested in languages. Each language is a mystery. Any analysis of them shows marvelous nuances, lyrical phonetics, unexpected exceptions and poetic words unique

Alaska Family Action issues values voter guide for primary election
A voter guide detailing Alaska candidates’ positions on abortion, marriage, LGBT issues, religious freedom, educational choice and judicial reform has been released for Alaska’s Republican primary races. Absentee voting has already begun for the Aug. 18