Search Results for: multiple views

Juneau Police

Juneau police get $34K from Biden administration to fight hate

The Dept. of Justice has awarded the City of Juneau $34,240 to train local police officers in how to identify and fight hate crime. The funding is part of a nationwide push from the Biden Administration to re-educate law enforcement agencies to identify and
War of Ideas

A different kind of Civil War

Last year was a very bad year for Republicans.  No matter how you try to spin the elections, Republicans lost.  Despite a record number of Republican votes for President Trump, he lost.  Blame it on mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, systemic

Some Alaska recounts underway, but voters can request more

A number of Alaska contests were razor close in the recent general election, leading many to wonder whether the state will conduct recounts of certain races. Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer said he will do a full audit of the highly controversial Ballot Measure 2