OPINION: Alaska’s GOP convention undermines strong conservatives
There have been some interesting developments in the broken Alaskan House minority caucus. This is supposed to be the caucus of the conservatives, but there are only a few holding the line. These developments have culminated in an Alaska Republican party

Alaska House bans public funding of abortion, but rejects stiff penalties for violations
While the Alaska House once again passed a budget banning Alaska from using state funds to cover the killing of unborn Alaskans through abortion, it rejected an amendment that would have imposed stiff financial penalties on state health commissioners and

OPINION: Conservatives must not excuse what Putin has unleashed on Ukraine
Recently propagated by Republican members of the Alaska Legislature are two narratives about which they should know better: • First, that George Soros (Open Society Foundations) helped Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy become president of Ukraine

Conservative Juneau candidates share opinions on hot-button issues
The Alaska Watchman sent some hard-hitting questions to all candidates running for local office in Juneau. Our intent is to give voters a clear sense of who the socially and fiscally conservative candidates are, especially in regard to some of the most

Soviets brainwashed citizens using majority opinion and mass media propaganda
Communist propaganda in the Soviet Union was based on Marxist–Leninist ideology in order to advocate for the Communist Party agenda. This propaganda was one of many tactics the Soviet government utilized to control citizens in all

Dunleavy’s communication director defends governor’s decision to allow public funding for cross-sex surgeries
Dave Stieren, communications director for Gov. Mike Dunleavy, took to talk radio, July 8, to defend the governor’s decision to let state funds be spent for transgender surgeries and hormonal treatments. Stieren appeared on the Bird’s Eye View, a Kenai

Want to offer an opinion on who should be Alaska’s next Supreme Court justice?
The small but extremely powerful seven-member Alaska Judicial Council will hold a public hearing on May 24, at noon, to let the public offer non-binding opinions regarding the worthiness of applicants for the Alaska Supreme Court vacancy. These are

OPINION: Anchorage parent urges school board to reject critical race theory in classrooms
After listening to hours of work sessions, board meetings and both townhalls hosted by the Anchorage School District last month, I do not support the proposed policies on anti-racism and instructional equity which are being considered by the Anchorage School

OPINION: Anchorage needs an honest, pragmatic mayor at the helm – Dave Bronson is the man
My dream for politics is that the different means of achieving proposed outcomes would be like the difference between crunchy peanut butter and creamy peanut butter. Whether Democrat, Independent, Libertarian or Republican, the suggested solutions would be

OPINION: The time is now for Dave Bronson
As we come to the end of our Anchorage election process, I want to encourage everyone to make sure you vote by April 6th. The future of Anchorage will be determined by who we select for mayor. Does Anchorage continue the slide towards ruin by