Search Results for: rising os

Alaska’s Vital Interest in Ukraine

At first blush, one might ask why Alaskans should be concerned about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Ukraine is not a healthy functioning democracy by western standards. It is not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), therefore there is

These core beliefs fueled the recent Sitka Freedom Convoy

Editor’s note: According to the author, the following letter was originally submitted to the Daily Sitka Sentinel on Feb. 14, but was never published. Nearly 70 vehicles participated in the “Sitka Freedom Convoy” this past Saturday. For those

Why we fight against the odds

Someone mentioned the other day that conservative, patriotic and religious-minded Alaskans are losing the cultural battle. Education is in ruins, families are fractured, churches compromise with contemporary ideology, and our political and spiritual

Pro-life clinic to help Alaskans reverse chemical abortions

Every week, roughly nine Alaska women ingest a powerful chemical concoction which first kills and then aborts their unborn babies. In order to kill the developing human life, two pills must be taken. The first contains mifepristone, which blocks progesterone,

State of Alaska celebrates 1 year of experimental jabs

A year ago, yesterday, the first shipment of experimental COVID injections landed in Anchorage on Dec. 14, 2020. To mark the occasion, Alaska’s Department of Health and Social Services created what was intended to be an inspiring slideshow

Childless Alaska seniors more likely to grow old alone

Like much of the nation, Alaska’s population is rapidly aging, which raises particular challenges for the growing number who have never had children. For the past decade, Alaska has had the fastest growing senior population per capita in the nation, with