Search Results for: rising os

LGBT march

Marxists to unleash “Queer Wrath” in Anchorage

In its ongoing attempt to harness outrage over the death of George Floyd to advance progressive social issues, the Anchorage chapter of the Party for Socialism & Liberation is organizing another march through Anchorage. This time the theme is “Queer
Riot pic

We cannot let hate mongers govern us

It looks like the left has started a revolution, backed by the Soros-funded terrorist group ANTIFA which is co-opting some of the protests by Black Lives Matter and inciting violence. In some instances weapons have been delivered by hand. Here’s a link to a
9th circuit pic

Report shows why liberal judges rule Alaska

It doesn’t matter whether Alaska’s executive branch, legislative branch or the general population is conservative, Alaskans rarely see the appointment of conservative, constitutionalist judges. That’s because none of these groups have much say when it