Search Results for: rising os

Gas prices soaring again in Alaska and across U.S.

In direct contradiction with President Joe Biden’s recent comments, the average price of gas in America – including Alaska – is actually going back up. Last Friday, Biden boasted on live television about a three-month decline in gas prices. “Guess

With rising Russia tensions, we must draw from the past

Who was responsible for post-war tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.? Were they primarily a result of the Soviets’ mistrust of a perceived intent on the part of the Allies to establish a “New World Order” and act as policeman of the world? The

12.20 > Healthcare costs are exploding

In a recent commentary, I pointed out the shift in focus among hospitals from refuges for the sick and injured into profit centered extraction chambers that almost omit a sucking sound as you walk through the sliding doors… but it’s probably just the

Despite COVID closures, Alaska education spending grows

Despite widespread school closures, declining enrollment and many more students learning from home, or private schools, education spending in Alaska actually increased in 2020, according to a new report from the U.S. Census. Alaska spent more money in 2020 on