At least five Alaskans died and 111 suffered adverse reactions after COVID vaccines
Within the first five weeks of administering COVID vaccines in Alaska, at least 111 Alaska residents have suffered adverse reactions and at least five of these people have died. The information, which goes through Jan. 22, was reported on the VAERS website,

Will the light of Christmas crack Anchorage’s COVID lockdown?
When it comes to bringing humanity together for worship, celebration, parties, feasting and shopping, nothing compares to Christmas. It is the absolute antithesis to emergency order lockdowns and restrictions which Anchorage’s acting mayor Austin

Ketchikan mayor aims to defend civil liberties of those who refuse COVID vaccine
Ketchikan Borough Mayor Rodney Dial is urging the Assembly to support his resolution calling on businesses to “refrain from discriminating against any individual by denying that person access to goods of services based upon their COVID-19 vaccination

Juneau health care worker hospitalized after severe reaction to COVID vaccine
At least one health care worker in Juneau experienced a severe allergic reaction from getting the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Dec. 15. The Alaska Dept. of Health and Social Services issued a statement about the incident on Dec. 16. “A health care worker in

12.11 > On COVID Vaccination
We have been conditioned this past year to abandon all sanity on the altar of the fear of COVID, and now, we are being prepared for the medical messiah to save us all, a vaccine. Any virologist or epidemiologist will tell you, and searching anywhere from the

Is Alaska on the cusp of natural herd immunity from COVID?
The State of Alaska expects to have more than 50,000 fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccines ready to inject into residents later this month. This, however, comes at a point when the virus has already reached every Alaska community while rapidly surging through the

‘Why are masks so political? What’s the big deal?’
A good friend recently asked, “Why are masks so political? What’s so controversial about wearing a little face covering?” The answer to the first question is straight forward. Masks are political because local and state governments have passed laws

Anchorage Assembly chair belittles public comments, votes to extend emergency declaration
After two hours of public testimony which overwhelmingly opposed extending the emergency declaration in Anchorage, the Assembly voted 7-3 to keep it until at least Jan. 15. The passage allows Anchorage’s unelected acting mayor, Austin Quinn-Davidson, to

Governor warns Alaska to voluntarily mask up before he is ‘forced to take further action’
Emergency alarms suddenly blared from smart phones across Alaska just before 10 a.m. on Nov. 12 to announce an ominous video message from Gov. Mike Dunleavy. His three-minute YouTube video warned residents that COVID is spreading rapidly across Alaska and

Honest conversations can’t happen while the media foments COVID fear
As we head into winter, and the renewed media frenzy over Covid cases reaches a literal fever pitch, it’s time there was some clarity given and a reality check regarding the state of the state of this pandemic. First, some clarity. There have been