Separation of Powers

Supreme Court pic

Supreme Court’s ‘sex’ ruling is not as bad as you think

Last Monday the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that the language in the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 bans discrimination in the workplace on the basis of sexual orientation. The Bostock v. Clayton County decision has caused considerable uproar among social
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Abortion amendment set for 5th public hearing

A proposed constitutional amendment stating that nothing in Alaska’s Constitution can be interpreted by the courts as granting a right to abortion is set for a fifth public hearing on Friday, March 13 in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The measure, SJR 13,
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Report shows why liberal judges rule Alaska

It doesn’t matter whether Alaska’s executive branch, legislative branch or the general population is conservative, Alaskans rarely see the appointment of conservative, constitutionalist judges. That’s because none of these groups have much say when it