
Cafe discussion pic

For those willing to engage in a frank and open discussion about abortion, the upcoming “Brave Conversations” event in Anchorage is the place to be on Jan. 23.

The monthly event tackles a range of hot-button topics such as global warming, cultural privilege, faith issues, parental rights, school vouchers and other cultural, moral and philosophical ideas. The gatherings are not about shouting down an opponent or brandishing rhetorical swords. Rather, the goal is to foster understanding and dialogue with the aim of discovering some measure of truth along the way.

No matter what side of the issue you are on, we hope you will come and discuss this with us

Leigh Sloan leads the events, which take place at 12100 Coffee and Communitas, a unique Anchorage café. The Jan. 23 gathering begins at 6 p.m. and includes a special “mystery guest” who will share about her experience with abortion.

“No matter what side of the issue you are on, we hope you will come and discuss this with us,” Sloan said in a notice for the event. “Depending on how you feel about her stance, you might possibly be chosen to act as her Red Chair Challenger.”

In the second half of the evening, attendees are invited to participate in a game designed to match them with a conversation partner who shares the opposite view on a key issue. The idea is to sharpen and refine one’s view while gaining a deeper perspective on a controversial topic.

“You will have a discussion guide to help you along,” Sloan explained. “The goal in our conversations is not to win but to learn. Come with a friend and an open mind. Learn to enjoy honing the art of this kind of constructive, face to face conversation.”

People of all viewpoints are welcome and encouraged to attend. Organizers only ask that attendees maintain a respectful and non-disruptive demeanor.  Beverages and food are available for purchase for the first hour.

The event will be in the inner room of the café.

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Abortion discussion at cafe aims to open hearts, engage minds

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.