Alaska in 2023: Trends, predictions and prescriptions
Editor’s note: This article is adapted from a talk given for the Valley Republican Women of Alaska’s Jan. 19 meeting in Wasilla. I want to address a few major trends and developments in Alaska as they relate to our population, education and political
Mat-Su may – again – put state’s controversial student survey on the rocks
The Mat-Su School Board is meeting on Jan. 18 to consider whether area public schools should administer a 98-question state survey that asks high school teens about their sexual proclivities, various types of contraception they employ and whether they have
Time’s up! Juneau School Board places 60-sec minimum on public testimony
In what some see as an affront to the ability of parents and others to address elected representatives on the Juneau School Board, the board unanimously voted to grant public testifiers a 60-seconds minimum to speak during public hearings. “I worry that
‘Bidenflation’ is costing Alaskan families $811 a month, $9,729 annually
The Foundation for Government Accountability released a new report showing that Alaska’s inflation is now at 12.8%. In the real world, that translates to an additional cost of $811 per month for Alaska families, or $9,729 annually. Areas in Alaska most
What the Alaska Watchman is and is not
We started the Alaska Watchman a little over three years ago with a clear goal. It was not to entertain, provide idle gossip or offer a platform for angry armchair quarterbacks to pontificate while refusing to enter the public arena and contend for the good,
‘We get sh*t done’ – Abortion activists to lobby AK lawmakers on LGBT agenda, explicit sex-ed
With Alaska lawmakers now back in Juneau for the start of the 2023 legislative session, pro-abortion activists are planning to aggressively inundate legislators with phone calls, visits and even personalized Valentines Day cards advocating for the LGBTQ
Juneau wants Alaska churches to help with disaster response prep
Churches have long played a vital role in assisting communities during unexpected disasters. By providing shelter, food, medical aid and a host of other material and spiritual services, faith-based communities are often seen as critical to effective
U.S. election watchdog group urges Alaskans to send a message by scrapping ranked voting
The Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA), which advocates for conservative policy reforms across the nation, says Alaska’s New Year’s resolution should be to scrap its “ill-advised” ranked-choice voting system. Since 2015, FGA has achieved
OPINION: Why Alaska should never pass a budget exceeding $7.7 billion in state funds
By Vance Ginn and Quinn Townsend – Alaska Policy Forum Introduction While revenue estimates for the state of Alaska hit a record high last fiscal year, this upcoming fiscal year 2024 (July 2023 – June 2024) is another story. The Fall 2022 revenue
LGBTQ activists want 13-year-old Alaskans to attend drag queen performance/fundraiser
Identity Inc, which promotes cross sex surgeries and puberty blockers for gender confused youth, is offering scholarships to get young teens – 13 years and up – to attend its upcoming fundraiser in Anchorage. One of the most controversial and well-funded