
News and Stories that affect liberty and the public and private freedoms we enjoy, or are entitled to, as proclaimed in the Alaska State Constitution, or endowed by our creator.

Your vaccination card is your ‘owners tag’

Editor’s note: The following is a transcript of Brett Wilcox’s Dec. 28, 2021, public comment to the Sitka Assembly. When you realize that lockdowns are an economic and mental health catastrophe, that masks only mitigate mental and physical health, that
Alaska Flag pic

Alaska ranked 24th freest state by libertarian think tank

In a new report analyzing fiscal, regulatory and personal freedoms across all 50 states, Alaska came in 24th, a drop from 14th place in 2016. The annual publication, “Freedom in the 50 States,” is issued by the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank

Russia and the New World Disorder

The world is becoming an increasingly dangerous place.  While China remains the biggest threat to long term global stability, the new Russian Bear expansion quest in Europe is the tinderbox that could ignite a global conflict and have dramatic impact on
Sunset on America

Is the sun setting on American Global Exceptionalism?

Newt Gingrich recently wrote an interesting opinion piece that blasted U.S. foreign policy and our capabilities to meet 21st century security threats.  His point was that the U.S. national defense posture as a global superpower is being challenged by