New Mat-Su legislator claims most Republicans are fine with gay ‘marriage’
Jesse Sumner, who recently won election as a Republican state representative for the Mat-Su, claims that he and the majority of Alaska Republicans are no longer interested in defending the state’s constitutional definition of marriage as “the union of one
Babies are increasingly rare in Alaska
A new report from the Alaska Dept. of Health reveals that Alaska births are continuing their downward spiral with just 9,410 new babies born in 2021. That’s 1,042 fewer births than in 2017 and the lowest number since at least 1992, when there were 11,725
With full support of Alaska’s D.C. delegation, Biden codifies gay marriage
President Joe Biden signed a bill that codifies gay marriage across the nation. The Dec. 13 signing took place after Alaska Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski cast crucial votes to help narrowly pass a national gay marriage bill in the U.S. Senate,
How will you respond to a loved one’s LGBTQ gender identity?
Editor’s note: The following column explores a hypothetical conversation about LGBTQ gender identity, which is an issue many families grapple with today. Rebecca, a young American in her late 20s, seemed restless today. She anxiously wandered around the
Sen. Sullivan tries to claim his vote for gay ‘marriage’ is really a vote for religious freedom
One day after voting to enshrine gay ‘marriage’ into federal law, a position that runs contrary to both the Republican Party Platform and his Catholic faith, U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan attempted to frame his action as a vote for religious liberty. Sullivan
Alaska’s D.C. delegation has officially turned full blue … for now
Senator Lisa Murkowski has been a reliably liberal vote on abortion, marriage and religious liberty for as long as Alaska Family Council has existed. She was appointed by her father, Frank Murkowski, in 2002. Representative Mary Peltola just recently became
Federal gay ‘marriage’ bill passes Senate thanks to Alaska Sens. Sullivan and Murkowski
If it were not for the two votes of Alaska’s U.S. Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski, Senate Democrats would not have been able to pass their controversial bill that will codify same-sex “marriage” into federal law. Sullivan and Murkowski,
Sullivan & Murkowski again break with GOP colleagues to advance same-sex ‘marriage’
Alaska’s U.S. Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski once again broke with the vast majority of their Republican colleagues to help advance the Democrat’s controversial bill that seeks to codify same-sex “marriage” into federal law. The so-called
Want more conservative Alaskans to run for office? Move the capitol
I attended a conservative meeting years ago in Fairbanks that focused on politics and why Alaska conservatives tend to struggle getting their values protected and their laws passed. One portion of the meeting that stood out for me was when the speaker
To Alaskans who burn brightest!
With the turkeys all carved and eaten, and most of the dishes cleaned, we’d like to take a moment to express our gratitude to fellow Alaskans who have exhibited courage, fortitude and incredible compassion over the last few years. We are grateful to the