
News and Stories that affect children, family rights, parenting and the well being of Alaskan families.

Babies are increasingly rare in Alaska

A new report from the Alaska Dept. of Health reveals that Alaska births are continuing their downward spiral with just 9,410 new babies born in 2021. That’s 1,042 fewer births than in 2017 and the lowest number since at least 1992, when there were 11,725

How will you respond to a loved one’s LGBTQ gender identity?

Editor’s note: The following column explores a hypothetical conversation about LGBTQ gender identity, which is an issue many families grapple with today. Rebecca, a young American in her late 20s, seemed restless today. She anxiously wandered around the

To Alaskans who burn brightest!

With the turkeys all carved and eaten, and most of the dishes cleaned, we’d like to take a moment to express our gratitude to fellow Alaskans who have exhibited courage, fortitude and incredible compassion over the last few years. We are grateful to the