Input needed: Should Alaska ask teens detailed questions about sexual practices?
The State of Alaska is seeking input into which questions should be asked during the biennial Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), which typically gathers information about the sexual practices, drug use home life and general health and wellbeing of high
Mat-Su School Board partially rescinds controversial transgender guideline
With a packed room of highly concerned parents on hand, the Mat-Su School Board voted 5-1 on Sept. 7 to rescind one part of a 2015 guideline that had previously allowed gender-confused students to access locker rooms and bathrooms that were not in alignment
School psychologist asks Mat-Su teachers to secretly affirm students’ LGBTQ identities
An activist school psychologist within the Mat-Su School District is using his position to encourage educators at several elementary schools to secretly affirm students who believe they are gay, bi-sexual or transgender. Jake Balaskovits is a roving school
Video shows how leftist assist. principal covertly manipulates Conn. public school
Editor’s note: While this story does not directly deal with Alaska’s public schools, it points to a systemic problem in government run schools, especially with how leftist educational bureaucrats treat conservative parents. Click here to read our
Transgender protocol blindsides Mat-Su School Board & they plan to address it
The Mat-Su School Board was caught off guard when a little-known administrative protocol on transgender students came to light last week. Written in 2015, but essentially buried deep in the school district’s website and completely unknown to several
CDC recommends Alaska ask teens about oral and anal sex practices, gender ID
A year after cancelling its biennial survey in which the State of Alaska gathers detailed information about the sexual practices, drug use, home life and general health of high school teens, the Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is back. This year the
Enough! Alaskans must push back against schools that trample parental rights
“Teachers and staff cannot willfully hide kids’ mental health information from their parents, especially as some of the decisions children are making at school have potentially life-altering ramifications.” – Alliance Defending Freedom
Anchorage educators defend reading book about cross-sex drugs, trans-surgery to 4th graders
Editor’s note: The following article details the ongoing two-year bureaucratic saga that an Anchorage family has faced in unsuccessfully imploring the Anchorage School District to stop reading a book about transgenderism to elementary age students. It’s
Homer mom fights to protect kids from library’s gender confusing books
As State Farm Insurance learned recently, partnering with groups and leading the charge to get books on sexually perverse, gender-bending ideology into the hands of elementary school aged children will backfire when concerned parents step up. Partnering
We can – and must – stand up to lies
We live in a world of lies, falsehoods and deliberate deception. — Men can become women by willing it so. — Unborn babies with their own hearts, fingerprints and DNA are not “fully developed,” and can be justly dismembered in the womb. —