
News and Stories that affect liberty and the public and private freedoms we enjoy, or are entitled to, as proclaimed in the Alaska State Constitution, or endowed by our creator.

LGBT march

Marxists to unleash “Queer Wrath” in Anchorage

In its ongoing attempt to harness outrage over the death of George Floyd to advance progressive social issues, the Anchorage chapter of the Party for Socialism & Liberation is organizing another march through Anchorage. This time the theme is “Queer
Shelton pic

Public testimony largely in favor of Palmer police chief

The Palmer City Council’s June 9 meeting included more than two hours of public testimony, mostly in support of Police Chief Dwayne Shelton who was placed on administrative leave with pay last month following the discovery of certain social media comments
Alaska Voters

Mat-Su nixes problematic mail-in voting plan

After hearing nearly two hours of public testimony on June 2, the Mat-Su Assembly ultimately rejected a proposal to implement a mail-in voting program for its 2020 elections. Public comment was overwhelmingly opposed to a resolution that would have shuttered
Berkowitz mug2

Mayor allowed to keep emergency powers in Anchorage

The Anchorage Assembly voted 9-2 on June 2 to extend Mayor Ethan Berkowitz’s ability to enact and enforce emergency orders as they pertain to COVID-19. With the extension, Berkowitz can continue to punish residents who violate his orders regarding the