
Abortion stats image e1552349604269

Abortion in Alaska: 45 percent publicly funded

Each year, the state of Alaska quietly releases an obscure report detailing the number of unborn babies who were aborted the previous year. Buried in the Department of Health & Social Services website the “Induced Termination of Pregnancy,” report
Planned Parenthood Endorsements

Leading abortion group backs Alaska candidates

Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion provider in Alaska and across the nation, has announced its list of political endorsements for Alaskans vying for office this fall. The group performs the vast majority of abortions in Alaska, accounting for more than
Lisa Murkowski image

Murkowski is key to Supreme Court Vote

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski is a national focal point in the heated debate over who will replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the U.S. Supreme Court. With President Donald Trump nominating Brett Kavanaugh to the high court, pro-abortion activist groups in Alaska