Why give thanks?
We live in a world wounded by profound and ever-growing confusion and injustice. Often, it seems conservative, God-fearing Americans are waging a cultural and spiritual battle defined by occasional victories which are quickly overshadowed by
Most NEA-Alaska spending goes to staff, not dues-paying school employees
By Sarah Montalbano – Alaska Policy Forum The National Education Association-Alaska (NEA-Alaska) claims that it “advocates for an excellent public education” and “advances the interests of public-school employees.” Yet, its tax records
Why give thanks?
We live in a world wounded by profound and ever-growing confusion and injustice. Often, it seems conservative, God-fearing Americans are waging a cultural and spiritual battle defined by occasional victories which are quickly overshadowed by
No constitutional amendment, no problem. We still can protect Alaska’s unborn & repeal RCV
Constitutional ignorance reigns supreme in Alaska, and it would appear that conservative devotion to our state and federal documents is little different than that of the rest of our culture. We insist on doing things the hard way, rather than expending the
Surprised? Sullivan and our D.C. delegation never were truly conservative
Sen. Dan Sullivan showed his true colors again. Am I surprised that he voted to advance the abominable Respect For Marriage Act, which looks to enshrine same-sex marriage into federal law? Hell no. This is just his latest betrayal, certainly not his last. How
Alaska’s Republican brand is dead
What does it mean when Alaskan politicians say they are Republican? It used to indicate they’d fight for lower taxes, reduced spending, the life of the unborn, marriage as the union of one man and one woman, the PFD, resource development, election
It’s time for Alaskans to push lawmakers to enact election reforms
While the general election vote count is still winding down, it’s not too early for conservative Alaskans to begin calling on both the Alaska Republican Party and individual lawmakers to make a strong push to pass election reforms in the upcoming
Sen. Dan Sullivan has betrayed Alaskans on the most critical issues
There is absolutely nothing more foundational to society than the institution of marriage and the right to exercise one’s religious beliefs in the public square. Sen. Dan Sullivan had pledged to defend and uphold these tenets in the U.S. Senate, but on Nov.
Alaskans must fight culture wars at the lowest levels of government
After reading several Alaska Watchman articles on how local libraries promote drag queen story hours and LGB/CD(cross-dresser)Q agendas, I got to thinking. My wife says I get difficult or expensive when I do that. Well, in this case I’m hoping to present
As Alaska’s libraries double down on woke indoctrination, this may be a game changer
The current controversy brewing at the Homer Public Library over LGBTQ/drag books planted in the children’s section highlights the fact that most public libraries in Alaska and across the country operate under the increasingly woke guidelines provided