
Opinion Pieces from the various perspectives of our contributors.

Why should Alaskans trust them again?

We live in the sinister shadow of the most preposterous election in American history – the 2020 election that most conservatives believe was stolen. We have had many of the same questions haunting us with our own Alaskan issues and officeholders from

Glen Biegel to Anchorage: Don’t wait -vote NOW!

It’s voting day because you really can’t vote in person. There are three locations to vote: City Hall (hah!), the Loussac library, and the Town Center in Eagle River. Didn’t know that, or do you plan to stand in a three-plus-hour-long line

Bedlam reigns in Alaska’s lunatic election asylum

Each day we awake to find that, despite the hopes of turning things around, our culture has become a veritable lunatic asylum. The term “bedlam” means confusion and insanity, but it originated with the name of London’s infamous insane asylum. In the

OPINION: War and Forgiveness in Kiev

Vladimir Lenin characterized the NEP (New Economic Policy) in 1922 as an economic system that would include “a free market and capitalism, both subject to state control,” while socialized state enterprises would operate on “a profit basis”— an