Why won’t Alaska’s health department promote abstinence until marriage?
Alaska continues to be plagued by embarrassingly high rates of sexually transmitted diseases. We are consistently in the top 10 for gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia. These are preventable diseases that spread due to rampant, multi-partner sexual behavior,
Vital, concrete steps Alaskans must take to restore the culture
On April 6 Alaska Watchman editor Joel Davidson asked as a title of his article “What are we to do with Anchorage as it is?” Well, I have an answer for Joel, Anchorage and frankly for all of Alaska. I am Ted Smith, Director of the Alaska Colson Fellows
Why I left the Republican Party
No political party is perfect. It is a matter of reading the platforms, understanding the issues, learning the ropes and then – literally – picking your poison. All parties have subtle differences within them, but they are also united by common core
Campaign volunteer: Here’s why Anchorage is full of ‘woke progressives’
The candidate I supported in the Anchorage election – the candidate for whom I volunteered and for whom I voted, Stephanie Taylor, is behind to incumbent Anchorage Assemblyman Forrest Dunbar as I write this. A similar story is playing out in other
The wisdom I gleaned along a Kiev river reverberates today
Anatoly Mikhailovich Mikisha was a talented and accomplished mathematician in his late 30s. He was a rocket scientist, working in the Moscow Aviation Institute in the 1960s and 1970s – the years I knew and communicated with him. At that time, it was the
What are we to do with Anchorage as it is?
If election day totals hold, the Anchorage Assembly will remain firmly controlled by the radical leftists who imposed Covid mandates, shut down churches, limited religious liberties and personal freedoms, pushed LGBTQ politics and bungled homelessness.
Why should Alaskans trust them again?
We live in the sinister shadow of the most preposterous election in American history – the 2020 election that most conservatives believe was stolen. We have had many of the same questions haunting us with our own Alaskan issues and officeholders from
Glen Biegel to Anchorage: Don’t wait -vote NOW!
It’s voting day because you really can’t vote in person. There are three locations to vote: City Hall (hah!), the Loussac library, and the Town Center in Eagle River. Didn’t know that, or do you plan to stand in a three-plus-hour-long line
Alaskans to protest violations of grand juries’ right to investigate public officials
Please join the March 30, 7:30 a.m., rally at the Kenai Courthouse, to demonstrate against public officials stopping Grand Jury investigations into evidence of crime and corruption by public officials. Click here for more
Bedlam reigns in Alaska’s lunatic election asylum
Each day we awake to find that, despite the hopes of turning things around, our culture has become a veritable lunatic asylum. The term “bedlam” means confusion and insanity, but it originated with the name of London’s infamous insane asylum. In the