Fairbanks candidates reveal hard-left agenda during political forum
Ten candidates running for borough or city offices in Fairbanks this October participated in a recent online forum where they shared views on LGBTQ issues, community-run police oversight boards and climate change, among other issues. Hosted by the UAF Nanook

Anchorage Assembly exhibits classic signs of cultural imperialism
Just over a year ago, Anchorage was not a hyper-partisan city to the average observer. A liberal or a conservative had plenty to complain about yet there was room for both. Then we had COVID. Then the leftist riots of summer 2020. Then the lockdowns and mask

Inquiring minds and the courage to follow truth wherever it leads
It’s difficult to maintain an inquiring mind – one willing to change course and even reject previously held notions if that’s where the evidence leads. This takes a measure of humility, brutal honesty and courage. We tend to form beliefs, become

Palmer to investigate City Council members for Open Meetings Act violations
The Palmer City Council has formally requested that City Manager John Moosey launch an investigation into four City Council members who are allegedly members of a private and exclusive online group that discusses and advocates for political topics that

Heated masking debate dominates Mat-Su School Board meeting
Parents, teachers and students on both sides of the mask mandate debate expressed strong opinions at the Sept. 1 Mat-Su School Board meeting. Mat-Su School Superintendent Randy Trani spoke to the audience at the start of the meeting, thanking all sides for

Alaska’s school mask controversy playing out across the nation
It turns out that mask mandates disputes are not isolated to Alaska’s school districts. A new Gallup report indicates that the issue has become a flashpoint across the nation with parents often clashing with school boards and administrators. A newly

Group aims to honor those who are preserving Alaska’s heritage
The Alaska Association for Historic Preservation is seeking nominations for its 14th Annual Historic Preservation Award, which honors excellence in historic preservation throughout Alaska. The award recognizes a project, organization, agency, or

Alaska school board association bans non-vaxed members from attending events
Alaska school board members who decline to get a COVID shot are now banned from all in-person events held by the Association of Alaska School Boards (AASB). A recent letter from AASB Executive Director Lon Garrison said the organization believes the

Mat-Su parents hold early-morning protest against school mask mandates
An estimated 30 to 35 Mat-Su parents, students and others turned out for a 7 a.m. protest rally outside Career Tech High School on Aug. 31. As cars and busses arrived, they were welcomed by signs that read “Unmask our kids,” “No more face diapers,”

Mayor Bronson epitomizes the ‘happy-warrior’ that conservatives desperately need
Spend a little time with the Anchorage’s new mayor, Dave Bronson, and you quickly notice that he’s a man of firm and unwavering conservative convictions. But he is a happy warrior, the kind who looks you in the eye, genuinely listens to all sides and then