Resist Anchorage Assembly’s tactics to control our words, thoughts & bodies
The anger and frustration directed at the Anchorage Assembly is 100% their fault. We all got along just fine talking about tax caps and road construction until the far-leftist Assembly members ramped up their radical activism. Since then, conservatives and

Dr. Anne Zink’s family link to population control
The term “population control” too often deals in the abstract. A more honest assessment would redefine the term. “People control” or “government reproductive control” is more accurate. In today’s Brave New World of Covid hype and fear, the

Anchorage Assemblywoman Zaletel wanted neighbors to take the unmasked to court
A high-stakes battle over whether to re-impose a citywide mask mandate on Anchorage residents briefly included a scheme to pit neighbors against each other in an effort to enforce the controversial plan. Assembly members Pete Peterson and Meg Zaletel (who is

It is no longer possible to deny the COVID lies
As conspiracy theory after theory after theory materializes into conspiracy fact after fact after fact, there are still those who insist that the Titanic is not sinking. “It’s unsinkable. Everyone says so. Open another bottle of champaign, the bulkheads

It’s past time for Alaskans to fight the sexual manipulation of young minds
Thinking back during childhood, what memories come to mind? Perhaps flashes of bike riding, competing in a favorite sport or playing tag with friends. Growing up in rural Alaska, some of my first memories are of four-wheeler riding with my older brother

An Alaska Constitutional Convention: How to choose delegates? (part 3)
The U.S. Constitution’s famous preamble begins with “We the People of the United States.” That opening line was controversial then and remains so today. It presumed a homogenous, uniform people belonging to a single nation. It obscured the role of the

Juneau dumps witness verification for absentee voters, extends mask mandate for unvaxxed
The Juneau Assembly unanimously voted to change its elections code by removing the requirement that mail-in ballots include a witness verification signature to ensure the legal identity of absentee voters. No one from the public testified on the measure

Want to offer an opinion on who should be Alaska’s next Supreme Court justice?
The small but extremely powerful seven-member Alaska Judicial Council will hold a public hearing on May 24, at noon, to let the public offer non-binding opinions regarding the worthiness of applicants for the Alaska Supreme Court vacancy. These are

Observations, concerns and suggestions about Anchorage’s election
From oddly marked ballots and disappointing voter turnout, to election integrity and political friendly fire, there is a lot to glean from Anchorage’s most recent citywide election. Here’s some of what I’ve learned. ODDLY MARKED BALLOTS City Clerk

4.9 > Legal Troubles Ahead
We reported earlier this month that the Bering Straits Native Corporation has ordered its 2,000 plus employees to get the COVID shot by Aug. 1. Failure to comply and your livelihood could be on the line. The native corporation owns 22 businesses, one of the