Search Results for: cannot fine

Dr. Anne Zink’s family link to population control

The term “population control” too often deals in the abstract. A more honest assessment would redefine the term. “People control” or “government reproductive control” is more accurate. In today’s Brave New World of Covid hype and fear, the

It is no longer possible to deny the COVID lies

As conspiracy theory after theory after theory materializes into conspiracy fact after fact after fact, there are still those who insist that the Titanic is not sinking. “It’s unsinkable. Everyone says so. Open another bottle of champaign, the bulkheads

4.9 > Legal Troubles Ahead

We reported earlier this month that the Bering Straits Native Corporation has ordered its 2,000 plus employees to get the COVID shot by Aug. 1. Failure to comply and your livelihood could be on the line. The native corporation owns 22 businesses, one of the