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Marriage is the first cell of society, and it’s dying

One of our top priorities at the Watchman is to defend the traditional pillars of a healthy society. These have long-been understood as faith, marriage and a strong personal commitment to our neighbors and local communities. As these foundational building

Former Lt. Gov. Loren Leman reveals how he’s voting

Although I’m a believer in the secret ballot, I will make an exception and share how I am voting. For the First and Second Amendments. For individual rights and responsibilities. For states’ rights, the Electoral College, and our republic. For the flag,
Poetry quill writing pic

Languages reflect our nature as being male and female

The destruction of the arts and beauty seen in the degradation of post-modern culture is also manifested in languages. Each language is a mystery. Any analysis of them shows marvelous nuances, lyrical phonetics, unexpected exceptions and poetic words unique