Why neo-Marxism embodies ideas of white privilege, systemic racism & collective justice
In the early 1980s, I attended a graduate school at Brown University, where only two Soviet-born and raised students attended the time. I was from Kiev and Boris from Odessa, both cities of the former Soviet Union. I was a graduate student in the Anthropology

Conservative Mat-Su voters tell GOP lawmakers to fight despite Democratic controlled Senate
An impassioned group of Mat-Su residents braved heavy snowfall and slick roads to attend a Dec. 5 legislative townhall meeting with six of the eight state legislators from the Mat-Su. Gathered at Real Life Church just outside Palmer, State Representatives

How will you respond to a loved one’s LGBTQ gender identity?
Editor’s note: The following column explores a hypothetical conversation about LGBTQ gender identity, which is an issue many families grapple with today. Rebecca, a young American in her late 20s, seemed restless today. She anxiously wandered around the

OPINION: Lawsuit against Rep. Eastman is judicial lawlessness
It is the height of hypocrisy to believe that Alaska’s judiciary is “above the fray” of politics as a sort of wise and unbiased referee – a protector of the rule of law – to assist us citizen-peons in understanding the state and federal

Rainbow wave reached Alaska as national LGBTQ strategy evolves
With the midterm ballot tabulations finally winding down, it’s clear that the LGBTQ political and cultural strategy has entered a new phase both in Alaska and across America. Increasingly, candidates are being elected to public office who openly identify as

Homer author won’t be bullied by LGBTQ activist who wants her Christmas book cancelled
Homer resident and aspiring author, Maddy Veldstra, is feeling the ire of cancel culture after she dared to object to the Homer Library’s practice of planting controversial books that promote drag queens and transgenderism in the children’s section of the

Anchorage’s 40-day prolife vigil ends with calls to conquer abortion with faith, love, science
More than 70 people braved sub-freezing temperatures to attend the closing event of the 40 Days for Life vigil outside the Anchorage Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. Mary Kemper, who helped coordinate this year’s campaign spoke to the gathering of

Homer mom objects to LGBTQ/drag queen books planted in library children’s section
As the mother of three young children, Maddy Veldstra is a regular patron of the Homer Public Library. Lately, however, she’s been concerned about controversial LGBTQ titles that library staff have deliberately planted in the traditional children’s

ANALYSIS: Is Juneau running out of diesel?
(ErikN Publications) – On October 27, 2022, Tucker Carlson announced to the nation that we are running short of diesel, with a mere 25 days of diesel inventory remaining. He was following up on a question that was posed to John Kirby, President

11.7 > Get out and Vote!
Tomorrow’s the big day, election day. Many of us have already cast our ballots to beat the rush, but one thing is for certain… like all rights – be they parental, religious or civic – the right to vote comes with a fundamental responsibility