Alaska Legislature

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Last chance for Alaska conservatives to file for office

Rep. David Eastman of Wasilla has written a compelling article alerting Alaskans to the fact that the window is about to close for those hoping to run for elected office. A number of incumbents in the Alaska Legislature have no challengers. “There is only
Watchman Headers

Recall Alaska’s judges? Yes!

We’re in the midst of a pandemic, our economy is in turmoil, and Gov. Mike Dunleavy and many other state officials are working around the clock in crisis-management mode. No matter: while the bombs are falling, the Alaska Supreme Court held a March 25
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Alaska’s political judges invite political pressure

The Alaska Supreme Court has received an unusual amount of criticism lately, as it grapples with litigation challenging the effort to recall Governor Dunleavy. Chief Justice Joel Bolger, speaking at the 2019 Alaska Federation of Natives convention, said,