
Trump train thunders into Alaska for a record-breaking rally

When former President Donald Trump pulls into town, he attracts a long and colorful train in his coattails. On July 9, the ongoing national Trump tour thundered through Anchorage’s Alaska Airline Center arena with a building-record of nearly 6,000 people in

Fairbanks pro-lifers to counter July 9 pro-abortion rally

Pro-life advocates in Fairbanks are organizing a peaceful counter rally in response to a Planned Parenthood pro-abortion gathering set for July 9. The opposing events will take place at and around the Tanana Valley Fairgrounds. Planned Parenthood will host

Independence Day celebrations across Alaska

Communities all across Alaska are planning in-person parades and festivities to mark Independence Day. Below are some of the major events planned to celebrate the 4th of July. ANCHORAGE Anchorage’s 4th of July Festival will take place on the Delaney