2.5 > Slings and Arrows
Joel and I knew the article on vaccine reactions would expose the blatant double standard, I just didn’t know it would be the ADN who would chomp on it in spectacular fashion. Part of why we exist is because for years, the mainstream media has not told
The left aims to silence all who challenge their ‘war on biology’
In our 15 years of fighting for family values in the Great Land, Alaska Family Council has consistently defended the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman – and we always will. For the past decade, however, we’ve increasingly had to
Alaska joins 23 states supporting citizens’ right to carry guns in public
Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor announced that Alaska has joined a coalition of 23 state attorneys general in an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court. The brief maintains that allowing law-abiding citizens to carry guns in self-defense outside the home
Alaska must respond to federal attack on 2nd Amendment
There is no doubt the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution guarantee two of the most fundamental rights that make America the free and open society we have been for over 240 years. Today, these two amendments are under the most serious attack
Mayor keeps most COVID limits on Anchorage businesses, allows sporting events
Anchorage’s Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson is slightly easing up on her COVID mandates while reminding residents of her power to shut the city down again if they do not follow orders. Claiming Anchorage must “loosen restrictions in a way consistent
Jim Minnery on why Bill Evans should not be Anchorage’s next mayor
During the Anchorage Assembly election in 2014, Alaska Family Action sent a survey to candidates Adam Trombley and Bill Evans asking them a simple question. Would they support or oppose adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity”
Assembly looks to enshrine mandatory masks in Anchorage code
Several Anchorage Assembly members want to permanently enshrine the mandatory wearing of facemasks in city code. Assembly members Meg Zaletel, Suzanne LaFrance and John Weddleton plan to bring forward the proposal at the Jan. 26 Assembly meeting. The
1.22 > Our Cancel Culture
Liberals, empowered by the mainstream press and social media giants, are newly emboldened to silence conservatives all across the country. Here in Alaska, Rep. David Eastman has come under coordinated attack for merely attending the D.C. rally. The staunchly
1.15 > A Struggle for Liberty
The sum total of current events leads to the inevitable conclusion that newly empowered liberal elites are prepared to dramatically tighten the noose on citizens, businesses, churches, media outlets and other organizations. As this great struggle for liberty
OPINION: Elections Still Matter
This past week has been traumatic. Last Wednesday protestors forcefully entered the United States Capitol building and occupied offices and the chambers in an illegal act of defiance over the 2020 presidential elections. These people were not terrorists, they