Legal fight possible if Anchorage bans counseling for unwanted same-sex attraction
A leading national attorney warned of legal challenges if the Anchorage Assembly presses ahead with a proposed ban on counseling that aims to help minors overcome unwanted same-sex attraction or gender identity confusion. “So much of this counseling is
Workshop looks to help Anchorage defend parental rights in face of proposed LGBT ordinance
The day before the Anchorage Assembly takes up debate over an ordinance to outlaw counseling for minors with unwanted same-sex attraction, a conference will occur in Anchorage to help equip parents to take a stand against the measure. Hosted by the Alaska
Seward considers extending COVID mandates for camping, group sizes and masks
Seward residents have been living under an extensive list of COVID-19 mandates. On Monday, July 27, the Seward City Council will consider extending emergency ordinances that restricts campgrounds to 50% capacity, prohibits gatherings of 20 or more people, and
Municipal Attorney: Anchorage mayor’s new order doesn’t apply to churches
In imposing his latest COVID-19 mandate Mayor Ethan Berkowitz’s emergency order made no mention of religious entities. According to July 24 email Municipal Attorney Kathryn Vogel, however, churches are still under a previous order in which gatherings of 500
Mayor’s latest emergency order again treats Anchorage churches as non-essential
Update from editor: While the actual text of Mayor Berkowitz’s latest emergency order makes no mention of churches or religious exemptions, his legal department clarified on July 23 that churches will be allowed to operate under a previous order which
Mask mandate imposed on Juneau residents
Residents of Alaska’s capital city and surrounding borough are now required to wear face masks when gathered in indoor public settings or communal spaces outside the home. Those who resist the law are subject to a civil fine of up to $25. The Juneau
Anchorage Assembly hones plan to ban help for kids with unwanted same-sex attraction
The three openly gay Anchorage Assembly members are carefully preparing for the July 28 Assembly meeting in which they will try to pass an ordinance banning professional counseling for minors with unwanted same-sex attraction. On July 16 Assemblyman
Monday: Juneau residents invited to weigh in on mask mandate & racism review board
Juneau residents have a chance to share their thoughts on two important ordinances under consideration by the Juneau Assembly. On Monday, July 20, they will consider an emergency ordinance requiring face masks in certain indoor settings during the 5:30 p.m.
Alaska Attorney General pushes for graphic warnings on cigarette packs
Alaska Attorney General Kevin Clarkson joined a coalition of 25 attorneys general from across the country in a brief supporting federal regulations mandating graphic color warnings on cigarette packages and advertisements. The brief was filed in R.J.
Finding offense with the perpetually offended
There is an apt phrase seen on bumper-stickers: “Tolerance has become Intolerable.” The culture of victimization has T-boned its way into our lives. There are endless yammerings about racism, sexism, patriarchy, slavery and newly minted words like