Contraception and Abortion are intimately linked – here’s how
Very few Catholics – and even fewer non-Catholic Christians – have understood the link between abortion and contraception. In fact, quite the opposite conventional wisdom exists: “As everyone knows, more contraception will lead to fewer abortions.”
Alaska’s Planned Parenthood attacks Supreme Court nominee’s faith
The state director of Planned Parenthood in Alaska has resorted to criticizing the religious faith of President Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court – Judge Amy Coney Barrett. In an effort to rally fellow pro-abortion activists, Jessica Cler sent
Leading pro-life apologist headed to Alaska next month
One of the nation’s top pro-life apologists is slated to speak in Wasilla next month. Scott Klusendorf is president of Life Training Institute, and author of “The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture.” He is speaking at the Oct. 8
Abortion activists urge Murkowski to withhold vote on Trump’s Supreme Court nominee
Sen. Lisa Murkowski is set to get an earful from pro-abortion activists in the coming weeks as Planned Parenthood attempts to persuade her to not vote for a Trump nominated Supreme Court justice in the final weeks before the November election. A Sept. 22
Murkowski’s vote on a Trump Supreme Court nominee may not matter anyway
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski has waffled on whether she would confirm a U.S. Supreme Court nominee chosen by President Donald Trump before the November election. Whatever decision she ultimately decides on likely won’t matter now that Sen. Mitt Romney
Fairbanks School Board candidates divided on abortion, LGBT policies
Fairbanks School Board candidates hold widely differing views when it comes to abortion, LGBT issues and parental rights. The Watchman sent a survey to each candidate. Their responses to some of the most hot-button social issues are published below.
Abortion is the paramount political issue
“The future of Alaska is at stake!” “The future of America is at stake!” Liberals, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, moderates, radicals, pastors, priests all say this. Every election cycle we hear dire pronouncements over the Permanent Fund
Murkowski could hinder Trump’s chance to appoint pro-life replacement for Justice Ginsburg
With the announcement of the death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Sept. 18, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski (R) has a decision to make. Just last month, she told The Hill that she would not vote to confirm a Supreme Court nominee by
ALERT: Here are Juneau’s most pro-abortion candidates for local office
The Juneau Pro-Choice Coalition has issued its list of the most pro-abortion candidates running for local office. In an effort to strengthen pro-abortion laws and policies, the abortion advocacy group publishes a voter guide prior to municipal and state
Sen. Sullivan addresses abortion, BLM protests, American pride and more
Sen. Dan Sullivan addressed a host of hot-button social issues during a recent campaign stop on Sept. 6. Speaking before about 40 guests during a Sunday breakfast in a Wasilla area home, Sullivan fielded questions from the audience. In addition to addressing