
Opinion Pieces from the various perspectives of our contributors.

At the crossroads, Alaskans let freedom roll!

Alaskans from the Kenai Peninsula, Anchorage, Eagle River, Mat-Su and Fairbanks areas took to the highways and byways on Sunday in a massive display of support for medical freedom against crippling and coercive Covid mandates. Driving big rigs, trucks and

The Swamp: Drain it or become its creature

When a public official fails to drain the bureaucratic swamp he inherits, it is only a matter of time before he begins to capitulate to its creatures. We see this most clearly in executive offices such as presidents, governors, mayors and school

‘We hold you responsible for damaging our children’

Editor’s note: The following testimony was written by Sitka resident Brett Wilcox and read before the Sitka School Board at its Feb. 2 meeting. Sitka students are currently required to mask throughout the entire school day (except to eat) regardless of

Alaska Rep. David Eastman defends Oathkeepers membership

To each and every Alaskan I am privileged to represent in the Alaska State House today: As your representative, I refuse to step aside and throw the law-abiding members of Oathkeepers to the cancel culture wolves. While those who break the law should be