
Opinion Pieces from the various perspectives of our contributors.

As China grows ever more powerful, Alaska must act shrewdly

In the 1930’s the United States watched as Adolf Hitler built a powerful military force in open defiance to the Treaty of Versailles, which had limited the size and type of the German military in the wake of World War I. Hitler started the great cleansing.

COVID restrictions aren’t ending anytime soon for Anchorage

The extraordinary powers that Anchorage’s unelected Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson enjoys to impose emergency restrictions and mandates on businesses, churches, schools, individuals and other entities will likely continue unabated until at least April,

OPINION: Elections Still Matter

This past week has been traumatic. Last Wednesday protestors forcefully entered the United States Capitol building and occupied offices and the chambers in an illegal act of defiance over the 2020 presidential elections. These people were not terrorists, they

ANALYSIS: Is the Pfizer COVID vaccine morally licit?

Is it ever morally permissible to use a vaccine tested or originated with fetal cells obtained from an abortion? The Pfizer vaccine, now available in Alaska, used such cells for testing. Natural Law recognizes three components of any moral action: The

Marriage is the first cell of society, and it’s dying

One of our top priorities at the Watchman is to defend the traditional pillars of a healthy society. These have long-been understood as faith, marriage and a strong personal commitment to our neighbors and local communities. As these foundational building