
Opinion Pieces from the various perspectives of our contributors.

Debunking ‘white privilege theory’ with facts

Progressive activists claim that “white privilege theory” it is a social construct and social movement for justice, equal rights and opportunities for people of color who historically were deprived those rights through systemically discriminated

Former Lt. Gov. Loren Leman reveals how he’s voting

Although I’m a believer in the secret ballot, I will make an exception and share how I am voting. For the First and Second Amendments. For individual rights and responsibilities. For states’ rights, the Electoral College, and our republic. For the flag,

Deceptive Catholic voter guide misleads Alaskans on abortion

Catholics, who comprise the largest religious group in Alaska, received a misleading voter guide this month, which claims to help roughly 31,000 Alaska Catholics make informed moral decisions during the 2020 state and national elections. But unlike the voter

In defense of the Electoral College – part 2

Editor’s note: This is the second of two columns in defense of the Electoral College system of electing a president. Read part one here. The 1960 World Series was one of the greatest of all time. If you are not a baseball fan, the Pittsburgh Pirates

Marxism’s connection to ‘white privilege’ doctrine

The privilege many hard-working people have enjoyed in our country is because they applied themselves diligently regardless of their color, gender, ethnicity or race. Today, in America, opportunity is available to nearly everyone. Maybe that was not so true