One year of being on watch for Alaska
This past Friday marked one year since we took a leap of faith and launched the Alaska Watchman. Since the moment our website went live, it has been a whirlwind year. We expected to have our hands full reporting on the growing threats to the moral foundations
Neo-Marxism and Utopian socialism in America today
What practical lessons can we learn from history? There is no simple answer to this question because history is a complex subject. History is not simply a recording of facts and events; and it is not only a logical classification of the collected data in a
Alaska’s judge selection is ‘shrouded in secrecy’
The upcoming November elections are among the most consequential in American history. The outcome may well determine whether the American experiment continues or dies. In Alaska, there are state elections that are also of the highest importance for democracy
Attorney general’s downfall does not undermine the values he publicly defended
The disclosure of more than 500 personal texts from Attorney General Kevin Clarkson to a younger female state employee, has sent the left into a frenzied delight as they revel at the fall of one of Alaska’s most fierce defenders of traditional family
Anchorage pastor urges Assembly to refrain from violating 1st Amendment
Editor’s note: The following letter was submitted to the Anchorage Assembly for their Aug. 25 meeting in which they will consider an ordinance (AO 2020-65) to ban counseling for minors who are struggling to overcome same-sex attraction or who have
Alaska’s pro-life identity crisis can and must end – here’s how
The blueprint for healing Alaska’s pro-life divide is contained in two chapters of a brief work by the late Dr. Charles Rice, who was a pivotal national figure in the pro-life movement for decades. “No Exception: A Pro-Life Imperative” identifies the
OPINION: Alaska Right to Life’s ‘all or nothing approach’ is ineffective
Editor’s note: In an effort to help clarify the ongoing disagreement about the direction of the pro-life movement in Alaska, we asked Jim Minnery, of Alaska Family Action, and Pat Martin, of Alaska Right to Life, to explain why their organizations are at
OPINION: Alaska Family Council fails to protect all unborn life
Editor’s note: In an effort to help clarify the ongoing disagreement about the direction of the pro-life movement in Alaska, we asked Pat Martin, of Alaska Right to Life, and Jim Minnery, of Alaska Family Action to explain why their organizations are at
Fairbanks School District releases detailed plan to indoctrinate youth with liberal agenda
School begins this week in Alaska where tens of thousands of kids are set to learn at home or in private and religious school. Many others will participate in a mix of in-person and online classes provided by state schools. Parents who choose the latter
Languages reflect our nature as being male and female
The destruction of the arts and beauty seen in the degradation of post-modern culture is also manifested in languages. Each language is a mystery. Any analysis of them shows marvelous nuances, lyrical phonetics, unexpected exceptions and poetic words unique