
Opinion Pieces from the various perspectives of our contributors.

Holding lantern pic

One year of being on watch for Alaska

This past Friday marked one year since we took a leap of faith and launched the Alaska Watchman. Since the moment our website went live, it has been a whirlwind year. We expected to have our hands full reporting on the growing threats to the moral foundations
Riot pic

Neo-Marxism and Utopian socialism in America today

What practical lessons can we learn from history? There is no simple answer to this question because history is a complex subject. History is not simply a recording of facts and events; and it is not only a logical classification of the collected data in a
Gavel picture

Alaska’s judge selection is ‘shrouded in secrecy’

The upcoming November elections are among the most consequential in American history. The outcome may well determine whether the American experiment continues or dies. In Alaska, there are state elections that are also of the highest importance for democracy
Poetry quill writing pic

Languages reflect our nature as being male and female

The destruction of the arts and beauty seen in the degradation of post-modern culture is also manifested in languages. Each language is a mystery. Any analysis of them shows marvelous nuances, lyrical phonetics, unexpected exceptions and poetic words unique