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AK Abortion Numbers

What the latest battle between pro-life Alaskans reveals

Since before Roe v. Wade in 1973, the pro-life movement has enjoyed very little success and unity, except in one respect: convincing most Americans that surgical abortion in the vast majority of cases is bad. Forget the fake news surveys done by Planned

OPINION: The time is now for Dave Bronson

As we come to the end of our Anchorage election process, I want to encourage everyone to make sure you vote by April 6th.  The future of Anchorage will be determined by who we select for mayor.  Does Anchorage continue the slide towards ruin by

How to bring Alaska back from the brink

This past year of forced isolation, caused by an overly oppressive government reaction to COVID, crippled our economy and quashed our spirit of independence. We have become a submissive society, relinquishing our independence to government socialist control.