Glen Biegel: Robbins is the only conservative who can win Anchorage’s mayoral race
Sitting in my chair this afternoon, I am oddly energized by the endless attacks on classical liberalism (our founding ideals) and western culture that is underway by the handlers of Forrest Dunbar, Bill Falsey and George Martinez. I am angered that the trade

What the latest battle between pro-life Alaskans reveals
Since before Roe v. Wade in 1973, the pro-life movement has enjoyed very little success and unity, except in one respect: convincing most Americans that surgical abortion in the vast majority of cases is bad. Forget the fake news surveys done by Planned

TODAY: Town hall will address effort to inject critical race theory across Anchorage schools
The Anchorage School District will hold the second of two online townhall meetings on March 30 to address its plan to inject critical race theory throughout area schools. The meeting runs 6-8 p.m. On March 25, the district conducted a highly controlled Zoom

OPINION: The time is now for Dave Bronson
As we come to the end of our Anchorage election process, I want to encourage everyone to make sure you vote by April 6th. The future of Anchorage will be determined by who we select for mayor. Does Anchorage continue the slide towards ruin by

OPINION: Dunleavy’s $5,000 PFD proposal deserves a fair hearing before it’s too late
Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s proposal to give all qualified Alaskans a $5,000 Permanent Fund Dividend is not only worthy of consideration but a brilliant idea that needs to come to fruition sooner rather than later – meaning the PFD needs to be

OPINION: Mead Treadwell backs Mike Robbins as the ‘no-drama’ mayor Anchorage needs
Voting is underway for Anchorage mayor and school board members, and by mid-summer Anchorage will have a new mayor. I’m supporting Mike Robbins. Mike knows the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. Too many sideshows have occupied our

Public hearings set on plan to inject radical racial-justice philosophy in Anchorage schools
Before implementing progressive critical race theory policies across the entire Anchorage School District, the Anchorage School board will to hear from the public on March 25 and March 30 via virtual town hall meetings. The proposed policies aim to infuse

Conference enlists libraries to indoctrinate Alaskans with leftist dogma
These are not the libraries that most people recall from childhood. Alaska’s libraries, like those around the nation, increasingly see themselves as government-funded centers for radical social change. The recent Alaska Library Association conference was

How to bring Alaska back from the brink
This past year of forced isolation, caused by an overly oppressive government reaction to COVID, crippled our economy and quashed our spirit of independence. We have become a submissive society, relinquishing our independence to government socialist control.

AK legislator derides mask ‘charade,’ then booted from chamber for not masking
Rep. Christopher Kurka (R-Wasilla) gave a blistering speech against the Alaska House rules requiring all members to wear facemasks while in the Capitol Building. Kurka’s March 15 address on the House floor called the protocols “little more than a thinly