Alaska Principal of the Year detained, forced to take psych. test after posting video of religious experience
One of the most widely respected school principals in Alaska was taken from her Mat-Su home to Mat-Su Regional Medical Center on Jan. 18, three days after posting a four-hour video recounting a profound spiritual experience that she says has changed her life.

Alaska in 2023: Trends, predictions and prescriptions
Editor’s note: This article is adapted from a talk given for the Valley Republican Women of Alaska’s Jan. 19 meeting in Wasilla. I want to address a few major trends and developments in Alaska as they relate to our population, education and political

Time’s up! Juneau School Board places 60-sec minimum on public testimony
In what some see as an affront to the ability of parents and others to address elected representatives on the Juneau School Board, the board unanimously voted to grant public testifiers a 60-seconds minimum to speak during public hearings. “I worry that

What the Alaska Watchman is and is not
We started the Alaska Watchman a little over three years ago with a clear goal. It was not to entertain, provide idle gossip or offer a platform for angry armchair quarterbacks to pontificate while refusing to enter the public arena and contend for the good,

LGBTQ activists want 13-year-old Alaskans to attend drag queen performance/fundraiser
Identity Inc, which promotes cross sex surgeries and puberty blockers for gender confused youth, is offering scholarships to get young teens – 13 years and up – to attend its upcoming fundraiser in Anchorage. One of the most controversial and well-funded

OPINION: No! Alaska doesn’t need a constitutional amendment to protect the unborn
Senate Joint Resolution 2, introduced this week by Alaska Sen. Shelley Hughes, would ask voters to make it clear that they don’t want the state paying for abortions: “To protect human life, nothing in this constitution may be construed to secure or

Anchorage Symphony revives classic Chaplin film – ‘The Gold Rush’
In an age that increasingly produces controversial entertainment for children, the Anchorage Symphony Orchestra is offering a wholesome family-friendly alternative with a one-night showing of Charlie Chaplin’s popular movie, “The Gold Rush.” The Jan. 14

Juneau School Board looks to limit public testimony to 60 seconds
Parents and others who want to publicly address the Juneau School Board may soon be limited to a mere 60 seconds before being cut off. On Jan. 10 the board is scheduled to vote on a policy change regarding “meeting conduct” which would impose

Sit-ins to protest Alaska Supreme Court’s interference with grand jury investigations of corrupt judges
A rapidly growing and politically active judicial watchdog organization claims the Alaska Supreme Court has unconstitutionally changed the rules governing grand juries, which effectively blocks the ability of citizen grand juries to investigate and indict

FDA’s broad approval of chemical abortion drug puts Alaska mothers, unborn babies at risk
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced earlier this week that it is removing its requirement for mifepristone to be administered in the presence of a certified health care provider (HCP). Mifepristone, which is the first of two drugs used in